On the day of our inspection we spoke with seven patients and six members of staff. Prior to the inspection we spoke with a spokesperson from the patient participation group (PPG) who was also a patient. PPGs are an effective way for patients and GP practices to work together to improve the service and to promote and improve the quality of the care. One patient told us, 'The practice is great. It's local and the staff are friendly'. Another patient told us, 'The girls on reception are excellent. They are always very polite and friendly. The GP is excellent'.We saw that patient's views and experiences were taken into account in the way the service was provided and that patients were treated with dignity and respect. We saw that patients experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs.
We saw that patients were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.
The provider did not have systems in place to ensure patients were cared for by suitably qualified professional staff. We saw no evidence in staff files that checks to ensure staff were registered with their appropriate professional bodies had been carried out and were in date.
An effective complaints system was not in place. Complaints patients made were not always responded to appropriately.