During an inspection looking at part of the service
This practice is rated as good overall. At our last inspection 3 May 2018, the practice was rated as good overall, with requires improvement for providing responsive services. This was because results from the July 2017 annual national GP patient survey showed that patients’ satisfaction with how they could access care and treatment was below local and national averages. Patient access by telephone was difficult, with patients often attending the practice in person to book an appointment. All the learning points from complaints had not been recorded or shared with the whole practice team. We undertook a desk based inspection on 20 August 2019 to check the practice had made improvements.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had reviewed and improved access for patients accessing the practice by telephone. The practice could demonstrate the increased uptake of eConsult, an online service, with 19 consultations per week in January 2019, to 305 per week in August 2019. With the increase of patients using this service, the number of calls to the practice per month had reduced by 401, from March to July, which had reduced the pressure on the telephone system. The practice manager advised this had generated appointment capacity for patients who did need a face to face appointment.
- The practice obtained patient feedback from surveys, Healthwatch Suffolk and community advocate engagement, and made changes to the service based on that feedback. All available reception staff prioritised answering the telephone and worked at the reception desk at times of peak patient demand and additional staff had been recruited to work on busier days.
- Patient feedback obtained through the national GP patient survey had improved; there was no statistical variation between the practice and CCG and England averages for indicators which related to access.
- The practice had a three month service plan which included initiatives to improve patient feedback, maximise the use of the eConsult system and complaint handling. Actions were discussed at weekly partner meetings and the plan was monitored and updated.
- The practice had improved the documentation of meetings. Meeting minutes we reviewed were sufficiently detailed to ensure staff who had not been present would receive the information.
- Learning from complaints and significant events were recorded and we saw evidence these were shared with the practice team.
- 36 out of 44 patients with a learning disability had received a health check within the last 12 months. Four of the eight remaining patients had an appointment booked in September 2019. The practice had met with the learning disability nurse to improve the service they offered. The practice undertook some health checks in the patient’s home and sent a letter and telephoned patients before their appointment to increase uptake.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Continue to drive improvements for patients accessing the practice by telephone.
Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence table.
Dr Rosie Benneyworth BS BM BMedSci MRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice