18 September 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
Staff knew how to raise concerns, but there had been an occurrence where the registered provider had not fully implemented all the recommendations the local authority had made following a safeguarding incident. Systems needed to be put in place to share learning when things had gone wrong. We have made a recommendation about safeguarding.
Risk assessments were in place but needed to be specialised according to the needs of the people receiving care. There were enough staff to deliver care to people, but systems needed to be put in place to monitor the frequency of late or missed care calls.
Staff were experienced in health and social care and had completed various training courses and qualifications with their previous employer. However, the registered manager had yet to implement a robust system to ensure staff were trained and competent in line with current guidelines.
Assessments were carried out but needed to be developed to ensure they were holistic. We have made a recommendation around assessment.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. However, the systems in the service did not support this practice, because there was lack of evidence the registered provider had provided training for staff.
Staff were compassionate, kind and caring and had developed good relationships with people using the service. People were comfortable in the presence of staff.
Relatives confirmed the staff were caring and looked after people well. People were provided with the care, support, and equipment they needed to stay independent. People had positive relationships with their care workers and were confident about the service.
Policies and procedures were in place to ensure complaints could be dealt with effectively. This was a new service and had not received any formal compliments or complaints.
The service was not delivering end of life care to people, but policies and procedures were available. We have made a recommendation around end of life care.
The registered manager had not considered how differing communication needs could be met. We have made a recommendation about accessible communication.
Systems were in place to seek the views of people who used the service, but they needed to be developed to monitor the quality of service and look at how the service could be continually improved.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection (and update) This service was registered with us on 10 October 2018 and this is the first inspection.
Why we inspected: This was a planned scheduled inspection. We have found evidence the provider needs to make improvement. Please see the safe, effective, responsive, and well led sections of this report.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.