- Hospice service
Bury Hospice
Report from 6 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We undertook this assessment between 19 August and 5 September 2024. We looked at how Bury Hospice worked with people and their partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care. We assessed 8 quality statements from the safe, effective, responsive and well-led key questions. We reviewed if there were enough qualified, skilled and experienced people, who received effective support, supervision and development. We looked at how the service made sure that the equipment, facilities and technology support the delivery of safe care. We looked at how the service routinely monitor peoples' care and treatment to continuously improve it and to ensure that outcomes are positive and consistent. We reviewed that there were clear responsibilities, roles and good governance and that they had inclusive leaders. Bury Hospice is a charity which provides a range of hospice services for adults with a life-limiting illness. The hospice is purpose built and provides accomodation for 8 patients in individual rooms. The community outreach support service provided care at home and was available 5 days a week. The service also offered complementary therapies and a bereavement and family support service for children, young people and families. There was a hospice at night service, an advice line, a hospital liaison service and outpatient clinics. During the inspection, we spoke with 10 people who use the service and those close to them and a range of staff from all areas including nurses, a consultant, support staff, trustees and senior leaders. We observed care, reviewed a sample of patient care records and a sample of staff recruitment files as well as other data provided by the service following the onsite visit. During this assessment we found areas of good practice and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection. We did not identify any breach of regulations.
People's experience of this service
The feedback from people who use the service and those close to them was consistently very positive. They told us that staff were skilled to provide specialist care and treatment. People who had received care from both the inpatient unit and the community outreach team reported good continuity of care when they moved between the different services. All families we spoke with had been offered the bereavement and family support service, and those who accessed it told us this had significantly helped them cope. People who use the service and families told us they were confident to choose the hospice as their preferred place of care and/or death. This was discussed and recorded in patient records we reviewed. People who used the service and those close to them said staff responded quickly to their needs and this included effective pain relief in a timely manner. They told us they were involved in advanced care planning and felt listened to and valued. Comments about care in feedback included caring, friendly, professional, understanding, compassionate, respectful, wonderful, kind, responsive, supportive and comforting. Many people who use the service and those close to them described their time at the hospice as being like part of a family.