When people first visited the service they were given a book that outlined and explained orthodontic treatment, treatment options and how treatment was delivered. The book was in English and had been designed specifically for children.Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare.
When people first visited the surgery a medical history form was completed. Relevant details about past medical history and know allergies were taken and discussed with people.
There were no people present on the day of our visit to speak with. We did not see any customer feedback about the service.
There were no effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. Staff we spoke with on the day did not demonstrate an adequate knowledge of infection control. Staff did not know if the decontamination equipment was tested. They were not able to provide records of the daily cycles to ensure the equipment was working correctly.
There was not enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. The person responsible for the duties of the dental nurse did not demonstrate that they had the skills required to carry out the role.
We asked staff to see various records. Staff could not locate a number of both paper and electronic records requested on the say of our visit. Staff told us that the registered manager was the only one who knew where certain records were.