Whilst the provider offers both a medical and dental service at this location, during our inspection we only reviewed the standards in relation to the primary medical services. The dental service will be reviewed at a later date. We spoke with seven patients of Goyt Valley Medical Practice during our inspection. We did this to help us to understand the outcomes and experiences of patients who used the practice. All of the patients told us that they were happy with the care they received and that staff at the practice treated them with respect. Their comments included, 'The doctors are pleasant and always helpful' and, 'I tend to ask lots of questions and they always have time to answer.'
We found that patients were involved in their care and treatment which was provided in a way intended to ensure their safety and welfare.
Patients who use the service were protected from the risk of abuse. Patients we spoke with told us they trusted the GPs and nurses caring for them and felt safe receiving support from all of the staff at the practice.
Staff received appropriate professional development which included an annual appraisal and training relevant to their role. Staff told us that they felt the practice staff worked well as a team.
The practice had effective systems in place to protect the health and wellbeing of patients. There was a Patient Participation Group at the practice and they were involved in assessing the quality of care patients received.