About the service Mvecare Health Solutions Limited is a domiciliary care service providing care and support to people living in their own homes in the Sheffield area. At the time of our inspection, there were three people using the service.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
People were protected from avoidable harm and abuse. Relatives told us they felt their family members were safe and well protected. Risks to people's health, safety and wellbeing was effectively managed through ongoing monitoring of the service.
There were enough staff on duty with the right mix of skills to support people safely and effectively. Staff were recruited and selected safely.
Medications were safely managed, administered and stored. Infection control and prevention was managed well. Incidents, accidents and near misses were recorded and monitored to ensure there was opportunity for lessons learned.
People were assessed before they used Mvecare Health Solutions by the registered manager, and their outcomes and choices were recorded and monitored to ensure consistency and good practice.
There was a clear process for referring people to external services when required and this was applied consistently to ensure care was safe.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People were included in their day to decision making and choices. People's privacy and independence was encouraged, family relationships and friendships were respected and promoted.
A personalised care plan was developed for each person with their involvement or with their family members’ involvement, if appropriate.
There was a complaints process in place which outlined response times and procedure.
End of life care was discussed sensitively and with care and compassion.
The registered manager promoted a positive ethos and culture, which was centred around people’s needs and preferences.
The registered manager and provider understood their responsibility to inform people when care fell short or did not meet expected standards.
The registered manager had a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities in line with regulatory requirements. There were effective systems in place for checking and improving the quality and safety of the service.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection
This service was registered with us on 24 February 2021 and this is the first comprehensive inspection.
Why we inspected
This was a planned inspection based on the date of registration.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.