Updated 4 August 2022
The Wilbraham surgery is located in Manchester at:
515 Wilbraham Road
M21 0UF
The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the regulated activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, treatment of disease, disorder or injury and surgical procedures.
The practice is situated within the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (ICS) and delivers General Medical Services (GMS) to a patient population of about 4833. This is part of a contract held with NHS England.
Information published by Public Health England report deprivation within the practice population group as 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. Level one represents the highest levels of deprivation and level 10 the lowest.
The number of patients experiencing a long-standing health care condition is in line with ICS and national averages at 46%. There is a higher percentage of patients in paid work or full-time education, 70% compared to those patients who are currently unemployed; 2%.
The average life expectancy of the practice population is in line with local and national averages for both males and females (77 years for males, compared to the local average of 77 and national average of 79 years and 83 years for females compared to the local average of 81 years and national average of 83 years. The age distribution of the practice population closely mirrors the local and national averages. There are more female patients registered at the practice compared to males.
The provider is a single-handed GP supported by a team of four other GPs who provide cover at the practice, two of which are currently on maternity leave. The practice does not currently have a full-time employed nurse but uses two regular locum nurses. The practice also employs a clinical pharmacist on a pro rata basis.
The GPs are supported at the practice by a team of reception and administration staff. The practice manager is based onsite to provide managerial oversight.
Due to the enhanced infection prevention and control measures put in place since the pandemic and in line with the national guidance, telephone consultations still play a part in the structure of GP appointments. Face-to-face appointments are available for those patients who wish this and the patient is offered a choice of GP. If the patient does not necessarily need to see a GP, they are offered a choice of other allied health professional depending on their needs. The practice, along with six other practices locally have formed a Primary Care Network (PCN) and the practice is part of the Manchester Primary Care network federation that offers extended hours for patients.