The inspection took place on the 13 September 2016 and was unannounced. St Anne’s Court is registered to provide residential accommodation without nursing. The service is registered to provide accommodation and residential or nursing care for up to 26 people. The service does not providing nursing care. At the time of our inspection the service was providing residential care to 19 older people. Rooms are on the ground and first floor and all have en-suite facilities. There are also adapted wet rooms on each floor. Rooms on the first floor can be accessed by a lift or stair lift.
The service has a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were not always receiving their medicines in a proper and safe way.
People had not consistently had their medicines administered safely. Some people took medicines that were covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act. We found they were not always administered in line with the act. One person had eye drops that once opened needed to be discarded 28 days later. We checked the date on the bottle and they were being used 12 days after they should have been discarded. Staff told us that prescribed creams were being administered but records did not confirm this. One person had been administered medicine covertly. There are national guidelines for the administration of medicine being administered covertly and they were not being followed. Staff medicine administration practices were not identifying errors and taking the appropriate actions. Medicine was stored safely. Medicines were checked when they arrived in the home and records showed us that any discrepancies with the orders were identified and the appropriate actions taken. Medicine audits being carried out were not robust enough to identify issues we found. We discussed this with the managers who recognised this was an area that required immediate action.
People and their families told us they felt the care was safe. Staff had received safeguarding training and understood how to identify any possible abuse and how to report it. Risks to people had been identified and actions put into place to minimise the risk whilst respecting people’s freedoms and choices. People were involved in decisions about how risks they lived with were managed.
There were enough staff to meet people’s needs and they had been recruited safely. Processes were in place to manage unsafe practice.
Staff received an induction and on-going training that enabled them to carry out their roles effectively. Some training had been specific to people living at the home and included dementia awareness and diabetes. Formal supervision was not consistently taking place regularly but staff felt supported and had opportunities for personal development.
People received care that was designed to meet their needs and staff supported people’s ability and choices about their day to day care. One person had been assessed as not having the capacity to make some decisions for themselves. A best interest’s decision had been made in line with the principles of the mental capacity act. The manager was aware of which people had a power of attorney in place and the decisions they could be involved in on behalf of their relative.
People were supported by staff who understood their eating and drinking requirements. Fresh water was available in people’s rooms. People had their weight monitored monthly and actions were in place to minimise any identified risk
People had access to healthcare which included GP’s, chiropodists, occupational therapists and dentists.
People and their families described the staff as caring and felt their dignity and privacy were respected. We observed staff talking and having fun with people. Support was provided at a persons’ pace and not hurried or rushed. Staff were knowledgeable about people’s interests and events that were important to them which meant they were able to have meaningful conversations. People had been involved in decisions about their care and these had been respected. Advocacy information was available to people.
Care and support plans contained clear information about people’s assessed needs and the actions staff needed to take to support people. We observed practice that reflected what we had read in people’s care plans. People’s changing needs were identified and acted upon promptly. Information was shared at handover that kept staff up to date with people’s care needs. Daily notes however were sparse at times and not easily linked to care plans but reflected general observations.
People had opportunities to be involved in their local community. People also were supported to enjoy opportunities for individual activities.
A complaints procedure was in place and people and their families were aware of it and felt able to use it if needed. Complaints that had been received had been investigated and actions taken that ensured positive outcomes for people.
The registered manager had submitted a provider information return (PIR) six months prior to our inspection that showed evidence that they had a clear idea of where they were achieving well and where they could improve people’s experience of care. This had identified that improvements in medicine administration and auditing were required. . Other audits had been carried out which had successfully led to better outcomes for people. They included pressure care, accidents and incidents, complaints and checks on the environment and kitchen.
People, their families and staff all told us the service was well led. Staff had a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities and felt appreciated by the managers. They described the culture as friendly and that there was good teamwork. The managers had a good understanding of their responsibilities for sharing information with CQC and other statutory agencies. An annual quality assurance survey was carried out and included obtaining feedback from people, their families, staff and visiting professionals. Feedback had been used to improve service quality.
You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.