1 May 2019
During a routine inspection
Shalom Care provides support with personal care to people living in their own homes. Two people were using the service at the time of inspection.
The service stopped providing care to people in December 2017. They remained dormant until they re-commenced providing care on the 1 April 2019. Because they had only been operating for one month at the time of inspection we were not able to gather enough evidence to make a judgement about the Well-led question. This means we are unable to give this service an overall rating at this time.
People’s experience of using this service:
The service had systems in place to protect people from abuse and people told us they felt safe. Risk assessments were in place to help minimise risks people faced. Infection control measures were in operation and the service had procedures about the safe administration of medicines. There were enough staff employed to support people and checks were carried out on staff to verify they were suitable to work in the care sector.
Assessments of people’s needs were carried out prior to the provision of care to determine if the service was able to meet those needs. Staff undertook induction training on the commencement of their employment. The service worked in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Relatives told us staff were caring and respectful. Staff had a good understanding of how to support people in a way that promoted their privacy, dignity and independence. The service worked to meet people’s needs in relation to equality and diversity issues.
Care plans were in place which set out how to support people in a personalised manner. People had been involved in planning their care. People were supported to access community facilities in line with their preferences. There was a system in place for responding to complaints and people knew who they could complain to.
Relatives and staff spoke positively about the registered manager, saying they found them to be approachable and easily accessible.
Rating at last inspection:
At the last inspection of this service we were unable to give a rating due to lack of evidence. The last inspection report was published on 4 October 2016.
Why we inspected:
This was a planned comprehensive inspection.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our reinspection programme. If any concerning information is received, we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk