About the service: Social Care Reablement Estuary House is a reablement service provided by Devon County Council. They are registered with us to provide personal care. The service supports people in their own homes for up to four weeks following an illness, injury or set back to learn or re-learn skills to undertake daily living activities such as washing, dressing and meal preparation. At the time of our inspection 30 people were using the reablement service and 49 people were receiving packages of personal care in their own homes.In February 2019, Devon County Council managed a transfer of care packages from another provider to Social Care Reablement – Estuary House. This is planned to be a short-term arrangement until an alternative provider can be found.
People’s experience of using this service:
The service had been very responsive. When a large number of packages of care were transferred from another provider at short notice, this was very well managed. People told us they had been fully involved in the development of their care plan and felt empowered and valued. One person said, “I’m over the moon with them. They’ve put the right carers in for me as an individual, these carers are brilliant.” People were kept well informed during the transfer of care. One person said, “They kept me informed to the highest degree” and, “When I had a query I spoke to [Registered manager’s name] and he sorted it, it’s been perfect ever since.”
People felt safe and comfortable when staff visited them in their home. People were kept safe as potential risks had been assessed and managed. There were enough staff to complete the planned visits.
People were treated with kindness and compassion by staff. People said, “They’re all very helpful” and, “They’re all absolutely lovely.”
People’s needs were met by staff who had received regular training and support. People were treated with respect and staff understood how to protect people’s rights.
People were involved in making decisions about the goals they wanted to achieve. People felt staff had helped them to progress and become more independent. Reablement goal plans contained up-to-date information about each person’s needs.
People were asked for their views about the service. The most recent feedback results showed people were happy with the service they were receiving.
There were effective systems in place to monitor the quality of the service.
The registered manager was committed to improving care where possible and had developed effective working relationships with other professionals and agencies.
The service met the characteristics for a rating of “Good” in all of the key questions we inspected. Therefore, our overall rating for the service after this inspection was “Good”.
More information is in the full report.
Rating at last inspection: Good (The report was published on 2 December 2016).
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about this service until we return to visit as part of our re-inspection programme. If we have any concerns, we may inspect sooner.