20 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection when we sought information about people's experience and gained views from people who used the service, the staff who supported them and from looking at records.
We spoke with the principal dentist and one of the other dentists who worked in the clinic along with two dental nurses and the practice manager. In addition we had the opportunity to ask five people who attended the practice during our visit, about their care and treatment.
Is the service safe?
We saw evidence that all efforts had been made to ensure the services provided were safe. There were good arrangements for providing a clean and hygienic service. Treatment was planned and coordinated in line with guidance provided by the Resuscitation Council UK, the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry and the Department of Health guidance in relation to infection control, child protection and safeguarding vulnerable adults. We saw one of the medicines kept for use in an emergency had passed its use by date and whilst a new supply had been ordered it had not been received in the clinic.
Is the service caring?
People we spoke with described the staff as friendly, helpful and caring. The premises were comfortable and welcoming and refreshments were available for people. Information was available about the treatments offered at the clinic which aimed to make people's experience a good one.
Is the service responsive?
The clinic responded to referrals for specialist treatments from other dental practices. These included referrals for orthodontics (tooth alignment), periodontics (relating to gum health) and conscious sedation. Conscious sedation is a procedure that enables people with anxieties about having dental treatment to be sedated yet remain conscious throughout the procedure. There was a facility for dental practices to make on-line referrals to the clinic.
People told us they were able to get appointments in an emergency at short notice. Details about the emergency, out of hours service and the contact number were displayed.
Is the service effective?
When people were referred for treatment they had an initial consultation and were given a written treatment plan with an estimate of costs.
People we spoke with told us about the treatment they received in the clinic. They indicated they were happy with the treatment. we were shown responses to a recent satisfaction survey and people's testimonials on the clinic website confirmed this.
Is the service well led?
The principal dentist was described as 'hands on' and involved in the day to day running of the service. Meetings were held regularly between the dentist and other staff who worked at the clinic. There was a practice manual and other information to guide staff and ensure consistency in practice. Staff had opportunities to maintain their continuing professional development for the safety and well-being of people.