- Dentist
Archived: Chase Lodge Dental
All Inspections
13 November 2013
During a routine inspection
Patients we spoke with were positive about the quality of care and treatment received from the dentist and dental nurse. One patient referred to treatment they received as 'very thorough'an amazing job' whilst another patient remarked that in their opinion 'the dentist doesn't do unnecessary work.'
None of the patients we spoke with expressed concern about the safety of the environment where care and treatment was delivered. One patient remarked 'I trust him [the dentist]. I let him get on with it.'
None of the patients we spoke with expressed concerns about the cleanliness of the treatment rooms. The provider explained their process for cleaning and sterilising dental instruments. However, we saw that this was not consistent with Department of Health guidance.
The provider stored records required to protect the safety and wellbeing of patients. We were told that patient medical history questionnaires were updated at each visit, as necessary. A patient we spoke with (who had not attended for over six months) confirmed that their medical history had been updated.