This report indicates that there are two registered managers for the location. Our record showed that Karen Jones and Claire Jackson were Registered Managers, but the provider told us that Karen Jones was no longer in post. We will remove Karen Jones' name from our records when we receive the required documents notifying us that she is no longer the Registered Manager.During this inspection, we looked at how care and support was provided to people. We spoke with two people who used the service and a residential home warden, where some of the people who used the service lived. We looked at the care records of three people who used the service and spoke to a relative of one of the people, to enable us understand the care provided to them. We spoke with three care staff, the Registered Manager and the Provider.
At the time of our inspection, 18 people were receiving care from the provider.
Is the service safe?
People who used the service told us that they were happy with the care they received. One person said, 'I'm very happy with them'. The residential home warden we spoke with said, 'I trust them in here, otherwise I wouldn't have them'.
We saw from records that all the staff received training as part of their induction, including training in safeguarding vulnerable adults. We saw that the provider had procedures in place to ensure that staff were competent enough to work with vulnerable adults before they started working independently.
Staff we spoke with described how they ensured that the people they provided care to were kept safe. One staff member we spoke with said, 'If there's any change, we record it in the care plan and we have to read the care plan before we start doing anything, to make sure nothing has changed'.
The provider had robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure that people were cared for by suitably qualified staff. There was an induction and training programme provided for newly recruited staff which meant they were supported to provide safe and appropriate care to people.
Is the service effective?
People's care records were person centred and the provider ensured that people were involved in drawing up their support plans.
People we spoke with told us that staff always obtained their consent before they providing them with personal care.
We saw agreements that were signed by people who used the service, in all the records we looked at. For example, we saw that people who used the service had signed to agree on the level of support they expected to receive, that information relating to their care could be shared with other professionals and that staff could support them with their medication. This meant that people had given consent to their care and treatment.
Staff members we spoke with told us that they were well supported by their managers. One member of staff, 'If I have a concern, I just go to the office and talk to them'. We saw that staff had regular supervision and training to ensure that people received safe and effective care.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind, attentive and friendly staff. All the people we spoke with told us that they were happy with the care and treatment provided. A relative of a person who used the service told us, 'I'm very happy with them. They come on time every time'.
Staff we spoke with told us they enjoyed going out to support people in their homes. The provider told us that staff are encouraged to spend time talking with people during visits and checking on people's wellbeing and not just going in to provide personal care. One staff member said, 'I love helping; it is difficult sometimes but I find it very rewarding'.
The residential home warden told us that staff were very caring and supportive. The warden said, 'The girls have excellent manners; they are very patient and the residents themselves and the relatives are very, very happy with the flexibility in the care they provide'.
Is the service responsive?
The provider ensured that a full assessment of people's needs and support plans were in place prior to care staff beginning to provide care at people's homes.
Records we looked at confirmed that people's preferences, interests and diverse needs were recorded and care and support was provided in accordance with people's wishes. We saw records to demonstrate that people were care for by the same carer most of the time.
The service worked well with other agencies and services to make sure care was joined up and effective. We saw records to demonstrate the involvement of other health and social care professionals in the care of people.
Is the service well led?
The provider was involved in the day-to-day running of the service. The provider told us that they sometimes went out to provide care and to get to know the people who used the service more.
The provider carried out spot checks to ensure that people who used the service received safe care. Staff we spoke with told us that the provider carried out spot checks and we saw records which confirmed what we were told.
Staff we spoke with told us that their managers were very approachable and took into to consideration their personal circumstances when allocating their work load A staff member said, 'They're very good in getting things sorted. I have quite a lot of support'. This helped to ensure that people received a good quality service at all times.
We saw that the provider had systems in place to regularly monitor the quality of services being provided. We saw that people's care records were reviewed and updated regularly. We saw from the records that the provider acted on concerns raised by people who used the service and took appropriate actions to ensure that their needs were met.
We noted that the provider ensured that there were copies of risk assessments and risk management plans in the office as well as people's homes to ensure adequate information was always available so they could see that people received safe and appropriate care.