19 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We asked NHS England (Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly) for their comments because they have a monitoring role in the commissioning of NHS dental care at this practice. NHS England reported there were no concerns with this practice.
Patients made positive comments about their experience of treatment at the dental practice. We were told the practice was very responsive when patients were in pain and needed emergency treatment. For example, a patient needing emergency treatment said 'they've been excellent and saw me quickly today'. A parent told us about the complex care their child had received from the team and said 'it's been phenomenal, they've been exceptionally kind and done whatever they could to save my child's teeth' after a traumatic accident.
We followed four patient's appointments from start to finish and all said they had been comfortable and 'very well cared for'; for example one patient said 'I like the little things they have to calm your nerves, like lovely photographs and music playing the surgery. The dentist and nurse were calming and reassuring me all the time'. Information about fees and treatment plans was discussed with patients, for example, one patient commented 'the dentist explained everything. I was given an itemised invoice, which showed the plan so I know exactly how much it's all costing and that the treatment will be done over several appointments'.
The practice had systems in place which meant patients were safe and well cared for. Patients described the environment and equipment used as being 'spotlessly clean' and 'everything was just as it should be; they wore eye protection, gloves, masks and uniforms and I was asked to wear eye protection. We saw decontamination and cleaning procedures followed national guidelines, which meant equipment was safe to use on patients.
The patients we spoke with described staff as being 'friendly', 'calming', 'always happy and welcoming' and 'approachable and knowledgeable'.
The provider was compliant with all five outcomes we looked at.