Captain French Surgery recently started to provide the service from the Gillinggate Centre. The practice operated a weekday service for over 9000 patients in the Kendal area. It provided extended services so opened at 7.30am three days a week and closed at 6.30pm. At least once a week the centre closed around 7pm. Captain French Surgery was responsible for providing primary care, which included access to GPs, minor surgery, family planning as well as ante and post natal care. Cumbria Health on Call (CHOC) provided an out of hours service for patients who used the Captain French Surgery.
The patients we spoke with and who completed our comment cards were very complimentary about the care provided by the clinical staff; the overall friendliness and behaviour of all staff. Patients reported that they felt that all the staff treated them with dignity and respect.
We found that the practice had listened to patient comments and took action to improve their service.
A range of appointments were available including telephone consultations and people could book these both in person, over the phone or on-line.
The building was well-maintained and very clean. Effective systems were in place for the oversight of medication. Clinical decisions followed best practice guidelines.
We found that the leadership team was very visible. There were excellent governance and risk management measures in place.
We found that the practice had met the regulations and provided services that were safe and effective.