We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, discussions with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and looking at records.
If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
This was the first time that Severn Cottage and Rose House had been inspected since HF Trust Limited became the new providers of the service.
We looked at how the home supported people who received a service and how they kept people safe. We looked at how they managed medicines and how they supported staff. We looked at how they monitored and reviewed the quality of the care provided.
Is the service safe?
We spoke with seven people who received a service and they told us that they were very happy living at Severn Cottage and Rose House. They told us that they felt well looked after by the staff who supported them.
We saw that staff were knowledgeable about the individual needs of the people they supported. They told us that people would tell them how they preferred to be supported. They also told us that people would speak out if they were unhappy with anything. We saw people expressing their views and opinions to staff during our visit.
We spoke with a representative of a person who received a service. They told us that they felt reassured that their relative was, 'In safe hands'. They told us that their relative was always happy to come home after spending time with them.
The people who received a service told us that staff were, 'Good'. They knew who their key worker was and told us what they did to help them. Staff told us that they were well trained and supported. They said that they had the skills to meet people's individual needs safely.
Although some risks were not appropriately documented, we were told how risks to people's safety and welfare were assessed and when necessary actions were taken to reduce risks. Staff gave us examples of how risks were managed while maintaining people's independence. Record keeping is in the process of being improved by the manager.
Is the service effective?
The people who spoke with us told us that they led full and active lives. People who received a service gave us examples of activities that they took part in. They told us of places they had recently visited and how much they had enjoyed them. We saw that activities were arranged in consultation with people and by knowing individual's likes and hobbies.
People's health and care needs were assessed and actions were taken to ensure that those needs were met. Staff worked with outside health and social care professionals as required. We saw how this joint working was documented in care plans for consistency.
People were able to maintain their independence and we saw that some people led active lives with only minimal staff support.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with seven people who received a service. They told us that staff were caring and supportive. One person told us, 'The staff help me whenever I need them. They are nice to me'. We saw staff supporting people with their morning routines. Staff worked hard to ensure that they helped people as soon as they asked for support.
We looked at care plans and saw that people's preferences, interests, aspirations and needs had been recorded. People gave us examples of how staff supported them. This information was reflected in the records seen.
Is the service responsive?
We saw how staff listened to people and acted in accordance with their wishes. We saw how the manager (who is in the process of being registered with the Care Quality Commission) had sought the views and experiences of the people who received a service. They gave us examples of how people's needs had changed and they had responded accordingly. A representative of a person who received a service told us how staff listened to their wishes. However they also told us that staff did not always continue to implement changes long term. They told us that this was an area where improvements could be made. The manager responded immediately to this feedback and committed to making and monitoring changes.
We saw how staff responded positively to meet people's needs when they changed their minds about what they wanted to do. At the time of our inspection, we saw that staff were very busy but always accommodated people's wishes in a relaxed and unhurried way.
People told us that they met with the manager to discuss the service they received and anything else that they wanted to talk about. They said that they enjoyed these meetings. The manager told us that the opportunity to gather people's views and experiences was important to them. They told us how they implemented changes to the service in response to issues raised. Representatives also told us that they had opportunities to meet with the manager to share their views.
We saw how the manager had sought written feedback from people who receive a service and their representatives. The manager told us how they were collating responses to form an action plan.
Is the service well-led?
We saw how the manager did regular reviews and audits. They told us that they had effective monitoring tools that reassured them that they provided a good service. We saw examples of these. The manager also told us how the service provider worked with them to monitor and assess the quality of the service.
Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities. This helped to ensure that people received an appropriate service at all times. Staff felt well supported and told us that appropriate training took place regularly.