We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask; Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found -
Is the service safe?
We saw evidence of daily environmental and weekly health and safety checks. These helped ensure the safety of people who used the service.
We saw a dedicated log book was kept for recording any accidents and incidents. A senior member of staff told us, "We review them regularly and if we see any similarities, we will investigate further."
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) become important when a person is judged to lack the capacity to make an informed decision related to their care and treatment. The provider told us no recent applications for a DoLS had been made but knew the procedure to be followed if an application needed to be made. On the day of our inspection, no people who used the service were subject to a DoLS.
Is the service effective?
We saw people`s choices and preferences had been recorded at the time of their pre-admission assessment. There was also reference to the person`s life history. This showed people had been involved in creating their care plans.
Daily report sheets were completed which recorded the activities people had been involved with. This ensured a continuity of care was received by people who used the service.
Is the service caring?
Adequate numbers of staff were in attendance at all times which meant people had their care needs responded to in a timely manner. We saw one person requested support in their room and a staff member responded immediately. We observed good verbal interaction between staff and people who used the service.
The care plans we looked at contained clear and relevant information related to the care needs of each individual person who used the service. This reflected a person centred approach to providing care.
Is the service responsive?
A staff member told us several ideas relating to social activities had been suggested by people and had been implemented. A gardening project, a donkey sanctuary and a regular disco in the community were being attended by people who used the service.
A complaints procedure was in place at Park Crescent. A copy of the procedure was in people`s rooms. We spoke with a family member who told us, "We have never had a problem, but if we did, I know the manager would sort it out."
Is the service well led?
There were procedures in place at Park Crescent that monitored the quality of service provided to people who used the service. We saw evidence of daily environmental and weekly health and safety checks.
GP and professional visits and appointments had been recorded in care plans. This showed a multi-disciplinary approach to providing care and ensured people received appropriate care when they needed it.