This inspection was carried by one inspector over one day. During the inspection, the inspector worked to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Yes, overall we judged the service was safe although we did have concerns regarding medication administration
People told us they felt safe living at the home. Everyone we spoke with was very complementary about the support they received from the staff. We were told 'they are very good'they are very honest and trustworthy,' 'they are very kind here, I do not know what else they could do for us,' and 'they are very helpful.'
Staff we spoke with said everyone in the staff team worked in a professional manner and the management had high standards regarding the care people in the home should receive. Both staff and people who used the service said managers at the home were approachable and would take appropriate action if there was any practice which was not seen as acceptable.
We saw that the home was well maintained, furnished and decorated to a good standard. Most of the equipment was well maintained and regularly serviced according to health and safety standards. However some records regarding fire equipment testing could be more detailed. Electrical equipment and the electrical circuit needed more frequent testing. There was no documented system of health and safety risk assessment.
We were concerned there were a number of incidents where dosages of medication were recorded as given to people although they remained in the medication system. In one case we were told this was because a person was asleep, although we were not able to account for other instances. There were no records to account for the omissions.
On the day of the inspection the home was very clean and there were no unpleasant odours. There was a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.
We inspected the staff rotas, which showed that there were sufficient staff on duty to meet people's needs throughout the day and night. People said call bells were promptly answered, staff were unrushed and patient with them. There was a need to improve training delivery, in some areas, for some staff.
Is the service effective?
Yes we judged the service was effective.
People all had an individual care plan, which set out their care needs. Care plans contained satisfactory information and were accessible to staff.
People had access to doctors, district nurses, chiropodists and opticians, although some improvement was required regarding documenting the support received from some external medical professionals. A relative told us if the doctor was called, staff would always contact them and keep them informed of any treatment.
People were very positive about the meals provided and they said staff provided them with regular snacks and drinks.
People who used the service said if they asked staff to help them, they responded promptly and politely. People said care was delivered in a way they wanted.
Is the service caring?
Yes we judged the service was caring.
People who used the service said they were supported by caring, kind and professional staff. There was a friendly, calm and pleasant atmosphere on the day of the inspection.
Comments from people who lived at Clovelly House Care Home included 'It is very good'things could not be better'the carer's are very helpful' and 'I have no concerns, the staff are always nice.' A relative told us the care provided was 'very good'excellent.' A visiting professional told us 'There are absolutely no problems'I would be happy to put my parents here'.
Our observations of the care provided, discussions with people and records we assessed, enabled us to conclude individual wishes and needs were taken into account and respected.
Is the service responsive?
Yes we judged the service was responsive.
The people we spoke with all said the staff treated them with respect and dignity. The care practice we observed was professional and supportive. For example comments we received included 'It is very good'things could not be better'the carers are very helpful,' and 'Everything is top class. I have not one complaint about anything.'
People who used the service told us there were some activities available and these included a monthly trip out in a mini bus if people wanted to go out. If people did not want to get involved with organised activities this was respected. People could attend the local church on Sunday, and a religious minister provided communion on a monthly basis. The library visited the home, and people could have magazines and newspapers delivered.
People were positive about the care they received. People we spoke with said their care was unrushed and received in a way they wanted staff to provide it. From reviewing records we judged care plans as including suitable information to assist the staff who worked at the home. Records showed care plans were regularly reviewed and updated.
Is the service well-led?
Yes we judged the service was well led.
Staff, people who used the service, relatives and external professionals were all positive about the management of the home. People told us the management had high standards and would listen if they had any concerns.
The owner worked at the home on a day to day basis. The owner had a strong ethos which ensured quality standards were high, and the staff team had a good understanding of providing a person centred service. The owner ensured staff worked in a manner which resulted in people being well cared for and respected, while ensuring staff were respected and appropriately supported.
There was some evidence that the administration of medication and recording regarding external medical input could be improved. There was also evidence the provision of some staff and some health and safety standards (for example testing regarding electrical safety) could be improved.
The home had well established links with external professionals such as the district nurse service and the local general practitioners. We spoke to visiting professionals who were very positive about the staff and management of the home.