Safe Hands Care and Support Services is a domiciliary care service, providing care and support to people in their own homes. The service provides support with personal care and domestic tasks including bathing, meal preparation, medication assistance and shopping.We last inspected Safe Hands Care and Support Services in October 2016 where the service was rated as Good overall and for each key question we inspected against.
This latest inspection took place on 12, 14 and 19 September 2018 and was announced. We contacted the service the day before the inspection to let them know of our intentions to visit on this day. The inspection was carried out in response to a recent inspection we had undertaken at another location operated by the same provider, Overton House in Longsight.
During this inspection we found service delivery had declined in areas such as the recording of people’s medication (particularly creams), spot checks/observations of moving and handling/medication, the MCA (mental capacity act) and governance arrangements. We have also made a recommendation regarding the further development of satisfaction surveys. You can see what action we have asked the service to take at the end of this report.
The address registered with CQC for this service is in Heald Green, however when we contacted the service to announce the inspection, we were informed the new office premises were at an address in Levenshulme. This hadn’t been done through the correct CQC registration procedures and we will follow this issue up outside of this inspection process.
The registered manager had recently left their role, therefore at the time of inspection a registered manager was not in post. However services are given approximately six months to recruit a suitable registered manager before CQC can pursue further action. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
The service had recently recruited a new manager, however they had only commenced their employment several days before our inspection.
Medication was handled safely and given to people as described. However records were not being maintained regarding cream charts and staff competency assessments when administering medicines.
We checked to see if the service were working within the requirements of the mental capacity act (MCA). We found information in people’s care plans was not always accurate regarding their level of capacity and found this was an area not all staff had received training in.
People told us staff generally communicated well with them, however two people told us they didn’t like it when staff spoke in a different language in front of them and couldn’t understand what was being said. We raised this concern with management and were informed this was something that been fed back to them in the past as part of their own survey and that they were currently looking to address the issue with staff to improve this area.
Further improvements were required to overall quality monitoring systems to ensure concerns such as a lack of cream charts, inaccurate information about people’s capacity and a lack of competency assessments for medication and moving and handling, were identified and acted upon in a timely manner.
Safeguarding policies and procedures were in place and the staff demonstrated a good understanding of safeguarding concerns and the process to follow if they suspected abuse had taken place.
The service had a robust recruitment process to help ensure people employed were suitable to work with vulnerable people.
Risk assessments were in place and support plans devised to mitigate any risks presented to people.
Staff told us they received the appropriate induction, training, supervision and appraisal to support them in their role.
People told us staff always sought their consent before delivering care.
The feedback we received was that staff were kind and caring towards people.
People told us they felt treated with dignity and respect and that staff promoted their independence where possible.
Each person who used the service had an appropriate care plan in place which provided person centred information about how they liked their care to be delivered.
There were systems in place to seek and respond to feedback about people’s views of the service, although we have made a recommendation about how these could be developed further.
There was a complaints policy in place, however at the time of the inspection, no complaints had been raised. This was confirmed by people we spoke with.
Team meetings were held so that staff could discuss their work and raise any concerns they may have.
A range of policies and procedures were in place to ensure appropriate guidance could be sought when needed.