About the service Liberty Choice Southern Limited is a domiciliary care service providing care and support to people in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided. At the time of our inspection there were 22 people receiving personal care.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
People told us they were very happy with the care from Liberty Choice. People told us the staff were “lovely,” and “amazing,” and caring”. People were safe from abuse or harm and told us they felt safe. There were enough staff on duty to provide care to people safely. The provider had systems in place to ensure only suitable staff were employed. Some people received support with their medicines and this was done in a safe way by staff who were trained and competent. The provider had robust systems in place to manage any risks to people, including risks of falls, mental health and from Covid 19 and other infections.
Staff received regular training, support and supervision to support them in their roles. Staff helped people with their healthcare needs when required. Everyone receiving care had the mental capacity to make decisions. However, systems were in place to monitor this and ensure, if necessary, that staff supported people in their best interests and in the least restrictive way possible.
People told us they were treated with respect, dignity and kindness. People were involved in decisions about their care, and in regular reviews, to ensure their care remained appropriate. Most people told us they knew the registered manager and office staff and would feel able to raise any concerns if they needed to.
The provider had robust systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service and take actions to improve where issues were identified. They understood their responsibilities under the Health and Social Care legislation. The registered manager and staff worked in partnership with other agencies to ensure people received holistic care in a timely way.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Why we inspected
This inspection was prompted by a review of the information we held about this service.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.