5, 8 September 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
Is the service safe?
People who used the service told us that they were satisfied with the care and support they received. Relatives we spoke with told us that they had regular care staff that helped to ensure that the support they received was consistent and reliable.
Care staff we spoke with showed a good understanding of each person's needs and how they wished to be supported. Support plans and risk assessments were personalised and had sufficient guidance for care staff to follow to help keep people safe.
Provision Care Ltd had a recruitment policy in place but the procedure was not always followed when new care staff were recruited. Proper checks were not always carried out on the applicant's background, qualifications and suitability to work with vulnerable people. That meant people were at risk of receiving care and support from care staff that may not be safe or suitable to work.
Is the service effective?
People were satisfied with support they received because they had regular care staff who knew how to support them. People's care needs were identified and measures put in place to minimise risks. People's care needs, risks and support plans were not reviewed at regular intervals to help ensure new needs and risk could be identified promptly.
Care staff understood the needs of people they supported. They referred to the support plans kept in people's own homes and would receive updates about any changes to people needs as required.
Care staff told us they were supported and had received training for their job role. Practical training was provided in the use of specific equipment to help support people, such as a hoist and a stand aid amongst others. Personal protective equipment was available for care staff to use including disposable gloves and aprons. This helped to ensure care and support provided was in line with the infection control procedures and protected the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone.
There was no mechanism to assure the provider that care staff kept their knowledge and practice up to date, and their professional development. Updates in training was not planned and information was not reliably communicated with care staff. That meant people who used the service were at risk of receiving unsafe care and support.
Is the service caring?
People told us that they were happy with the care staff and the support they received. They found care staff were kind, caring and that they were treated with respect. Relatives we spoke with also expressed no concerns about the care staff or the support provided to their family member.
Is this service responsive?
People's needs had been assessed before the care arrangements started. This helped to make sure that the service would be able to provide the care and support they needed. One person told us that the registered manager helped to ensure the call times were suitable and was flexible if the call times had to be changed at short notice.
Reviews of people's care needs were not carried soon after the support arrangements had started. That meant people's care needs could not always be effectively monitored to help ensure any new needs or risk could be managed safely.
The provider had systems in place to support care staff and people who used the service in the event of an emergency. Important information was kept in each person's file which could be accessed in the event of an emergency. The service has an 'on-call' service, which operated outside of the normal office hours to support staff and to deal with any queries that arose.
Is this service well led?
People received information about the service, the type of care and support that would be provided and the aims and objectives of the service. People were given information about how to make a complaint. This helped to assure the provider that people were fully informed about the service and the support that they could expect to receive.
The provider had some systems in place to assure themselves that people received the care and support they needed, which included spot checks on care staff and direct observation of their practices. Improvements were needed to help ensure accurate information about each person and their care needs were maintained. People's views had not been sought and any concerns and complaints were not recorded and no record kept of the actions taken to help prevent it from happening again.