Updated 3 November 2022
Marisco Medical Practice is located at:
Stanley Avenue
LN12 1DP
The practice has a branch surgery at:
The Broadway
LN12 2JN
The provider is a partnership and is registered with CQC to deliver the Regulated Activities.
• diagnostic and screening procedures
• maternity and midwifery services
• family planning
• treatment of disease, disorder or injury
• surgical procedures.
These are delivered from both sites. We did not visit the branch as part of this inspection.
The practice is situated within the Lincolnshire Integrated Care System and delivers General Medical Services (GMS) to a patient population of about 14,538. This is part of a contract held with NHS England. The practice list is weighted to 22,310 which reflects the healthcare needs of its patient population. The reason for weighting for patient demographics is that certain types of patients place a higher demand on practices than others. The adjustment for deprivation acknowledges that deprived populations have higher health needs than less deprived populations with a similar demographic profile.
The practice is part of a wider network of GP practices known as a First Coastal Primary Care Network.
Marisco’s practice population is strikingly different from the Lincolnshire and England averages. It has the highest number of patients aged 65 and over, the highest deprivation score (which has worsened over the last five years), the fourth highest number of patients with a long-term condition and the lowest number aged 18 and under.
Information published by Public Health England shows that deprivation within the practice population group is in the first decile (one of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others.
Life expectancy for males (76.1) and for females (80.1) is below the England average of 79.5 for males and 83.1 for females.
1.0% of Marisco’s population are from BAME groups, lower than the Lincolnshire average of 2%.
The practice’s deprivation score in 2019 was 46.6, much higher than the Lincolnshire average (19.9) and England average (21.7).
There are stark differences stark differences between Marisco Medical Practice and the rest of the ICB in terms of disease prevalence.
In 2021, 75.2% of the practice’s population had a long-term health condition; higher than the Lincolnshire average of 56.3% and the England average of 51.1%. This had increased from 72.9% in 2020.
The percentage of the practice’s patients aged 65 and over is 40.9% (2020), higher than the ICB average of 23.1% and England average of 17.5%.
The percentage of the practice’s patients aged 18 and under is 12.6%, lower than the CCG average of 18.8% and lower than the England average of 20.4%.
The prevalence was higher than both the local and national averages in every one of the Quality Outcomes Framework conditions.
The team of GPs provide cover at both surgeries. There is a GP partner, four salaried GPs and sessional (locum) GPs. The whole time equivalent (WTE) is seven. The practice has a team of nurses (WTE 4.5) who provide nurse led clinic’s for long-term condition of use of both the main and the branch location. There are six nurse practitioners (WTE 5.5), two full time nursing associates, one general practice paramedic, a pharmacist and pharmacy technician, eight health care assistants and one phlebotomist. The patient facing team are supported by reception, housekeeping and administration staff.
Due to the enhanced infection prevention and control measures put in place since the pandemic and in line with the national guidance, many GP appointments had been telephone consultations but now all patients were offered a face to face consultation as the default position.
Extended access is provided where late evening and weekend appointments are available.
Out of hours services are provided by Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust