- Community healthcare service
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust - Oswestry Health Centre
All Inspections
13 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke to six patients during our inspection. All of them were very pleased with the service they received. One patient told us, 'It's an ideal local service'. Another said, 'I felt very well looked after'.
We saw staff treating people with dignity and respect. One patient told us that the staff were, 'Polite and respectful'. However, there were some aspects of the building which meant that patient's privacy and dignity were not always respected. We spoke to one patient who told us that the building was difficult to get into.
Patients were quickly assessed by a triage nurse and treated by suitably qualified staff. We found that patients' choices and decisions were recorded on their notes. We saw evidence of good cooperation with other health care professionals.
We found that people who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent it from happening.
There were enough qualified members of staff on duty to cope with demand during our visit. Staff told us that there were less qualified staff on duty at the weekends even though demand was no less.