Bedford Hospital NHS Trust provides a range of hospital care services to over 270,000 people living predominantly in north and mid Bedfordshire and is the vascular hub for Bedfordshire, Luton and Dunstable, and Milton Keynes. The trust provides a full range of district general hospital services to its local population, with some links to hospitals in Luton and Dunstable, Milton Keynes and Cambridge.
There are approximately 425 inpatient beds and 28 day case beds within the hospital.
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection of the trust from 15 to 17 December 2015. We undertook two unannounced inspections on 6 and 7 January 2016. We held focus groups with a range of staff in the hospital, including nurses, junior doctors, consultants, midwives, student nurses, administrative and clerical staff, allied health professionals, domestic staff and porters. We also spoke with staff individually.
Overall, we rated Bedford Hospital as requires improvement. We found improvements were needed to ensure that services were safe, effective, responsive to patient’s needs and well-led. We found that caring was good. Patients were treated with dignity and respect and were provided with appropriate emotional support.
Four of the eight core services at Bedford Hospital were rated requires improvement (surgery, maternity and gynecology, children and young people and outpatient and diagnostics). Four services were rated as good (urgent and emergency care, medical care, critical care and end of life care).
Our key findings were as follows:
- Staff were kind and caring and treated people with dignity and respect.
- Overall the hospital was clean, hygienic and well maintained.
- Equipment was not always appropriately checked and maintained.
- Vacancy rates had improved in November 2015 to 6.8% but remained worse than the trust target of 1.8%. Nursing vacancies averaged 9.1%. The trust had identified this as a risk and a recruitment programme was underway.
- Temporary staff were used to fill vacant shifts. An induction process was followed for temporary staff.
- Not all staff had completed mandatory training and not all relevant staff had not completed other recommended training for example, Advanced Paediatric Life Support.
- Between June 2014 and June 2015 the trust had reported one case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), this was in May 2015. There were 13 reported Clostridium difficile cases and four reported Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus (MSSA) cases. Incidences were similar to or better than the England average.
- Most patients were complimentary about the hospital food and women told us that they received support to feed their babies. We saw that the initiation of breast feeding rate was 85% in May 2015 which was better than the national average of 75%.
- Patient’s pain was well managed and none of the patients we spoke with reported being in pain.
- Patients at the end of life were given adequate pain relief and anticipatory prescribing was used to manage symptoms.
- Mortality was slightly worse than the expected range of 100 with a value of 102. However, this had improved compared to the preceding period. The trust were implemented a series of actions to address this concern.
- The trust were generally meeting the national targets set regarding patients access to treatment in surgical and outpatient settings.
- The trust were meeting the standard for patients admitted, referred or discharged from the emergency department within four hours.
- There were governance processes in pace to provide oversight of incident reporting and management, including categorisation of risk and harm. However, we were not assured that the trust demonstrated a sufficient depth of analysis or learning of incidents, and therefore we were not assured that improvements in practice to prevent reoccurrence had been achieved.
- We saw evidence of learning from some incidents but were not assured of the ongoing monitoring of changes made and therefore their sustainability.
- Staff generally felt they were well supported at their ward or department level.
- Staff reported on the whole executive directors were visible.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
- The hospital offered Endovascular stent-grafts for popliteal aneurysms, which is an alternative method to open surgery, early indication suggest it is safer and more effective for the patients.
- Image guidance for endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery is used for sino-nasal tumours, revision sinus surgery and disease abutting the optic nerve, carotid artery and skull base. For patients it means safe surgery, closer to home.
- One stop neck lump clinic. This speeds up the diagnosis of head and neck cancer by Tru-Cut biopsy solid tumours and avoids general anaesthetics in most cases, with the potential to speed up treatment.
- The critical care complex had designed and built an attachable portable unit for the end of a patient’s bed, to prevent disruption to the patient’s care and welfare. The unit was used when patients needed to go for a computerised tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
- A high risk birthing pool pathway was developed and implemented at the beginning of 2015. This meant that women with high risk pregnancies had the opportunity to experience the benefits of water whilst in labour. Midwives who were involved with the development of this project were selected as finalists in the Royal College of Midwives Innovation Awards 2015.
- Dementia facilities met the needs of patients living with dementia. Facilities included a cinema area, activity tables, coloured and picture coded bays and the inclusion of the wanderguard system. Under bed lighting assisted patients to differentiate between beds and flooring at night, and reported falls had decreased since the lighting was implemented.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the trust must:
- The trust must ensure patients privacy and dignity is always maintained at all times.
- The trust must ensure all reasonable efforts are made to make sure that discussions about care and treatment only take place where they cannot be overheard.
- The trust must ensure patients always have privacy when they receive treatment or when they used washing facilities.
- The trust must ensure that where a person lacks capacity to make an informed decision or given consent, staff must act in accordance with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and associated code of practice.
- The trust must improve the incident reporting process to ensure all incidents are reported, including those associated with staffing levels.
- The trust must ensure lessons learnt and actions taken from never events, incidents and complaints are shared across all staff.
- The trust must ensure risk registers reflect the risks within the trust.
- The trust must ensure effective and timely governance oversight of incident management, that actions agreed correlate to the concerns identified, are acted on and lessons learned are shared accordingly; including categorisation of risk and harm, particularly in maternity services.
- The trust must ensure patient records are accurate, complete and fit for purpose, including ‘do not attempt cardio-pulmonary resuscitation’ forms.
- The trust must ensure that systems and processes are in place to ensure the documentation and monitoring of the cleanliness of equipment.
- The trust must ensure that policies are comprehensive.
- The trust must ensure there are the appropriate numbers of qualified paediatric staff in the emergency department and paediatric unit to meet standards set by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 2012 or the Royal College of Nursing.
- The trust should ensure that where staffing fill rates do not meet trust target, associated risks are identified and mitigated.
- There must be sufficient numbers of staff trained to the expected standard to give life support to paediatric patients.
In addition the trust should:
- The trust should ensure all vacancies are recruited to.
- The trust should ensure all staff have received their required mandatory training to ensure they are competent to fulfil their role. Including safeguarding training.
- The trust should ensure staff receive and appraisal to meet the appraisal target of 90% compliance.
- The trust should ensure that all trust policies are up to date and that they are consistently followed by staff.
- The trust should ensure that patient information can be accessed in different languages.
- The trust should ensure all equipment has safety and service checks in accordance with policy and manufacturer’ instructions and that the identified frequency is adhered to.
- The trust should ensure all equipment is in date.
- The trust should ensure facilities for paediatric patients meet national guidelines.
- The trust should ensure facilities for patients with mental health needs meet national guidelines.
- The trust should ensure ligature points are identified and associated risks are mitigated to protect patients from harm.
- The trust should ensure consultant cover meets with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEMs) emergency medicine consultants workforce recommendations to provide consultant presence in the ED 16 hours a day, 7 days a week as a minimum.
- The trust should ensure delays in ambulance handover times are reduced to meet the national targets.
- The trust should ensure that infection control practices are followed by staff.
- The trust should consider reviewing the admission process for elective surgery are in line with national guidance and to ensure patient privacy and dignity is maintained, with assessments completed in rooms with adequate equipment to meet patient needs.
- Ensure that records of all patients diagnosed with sepsis contain the ‘Sepsis Six’ sticker to alert staff to the patients diagnosis as per national guidance
- The trust should ensure that action plans are in place to improve patient outcomes against national audits.
- The trust should ensure staff that are involved in blood transfusion are up to date with competencies and training.
- The trust should ensure all drug cupboards and medication fridges are in good working order and locked at all times to maintain safe use of drugs.
- The trust should ensure patient records are stored safely.
- The trust should ensure patients belongings are kept safe at all times.
- The trust should ensure that they implement follow up clinics for critical care patients, as recommended in NICE guidance
- The trust should ensure that staff document and monitor the time and decision to admit to the critical care complex.
- The trust should reduce delays experienced by patients in transferring to a ward bed when they no longer required critical care.
- The trust should ensure that they assess all surgical patients with mortality risk of between 5 and 10% for admission to the critical care complex.
- The trust should ensure that all medicines are within the recommended date.
- The trust should ensure that medicines are stored appropriately.
- The trust should ensure that controlled drugs records are kept up to date and are accurate.
- This trust should review the entrance to the gynaecology ward to ensure the needs of all patients are met.
- The trust should develop a policy on restraint and / or supportive holding and staff should receive training to ensure they understand how to apply the policy.
- The trust should ensure that safeguarding referrals are made in line with trust policy.
- The trust should patient observations are taken and recorded in line with the agreed time frames according to their risk assessment.
- The trust should ensure pain assessments for children are consistently completed.
- The trust should ensure that there a concealment trolley appropriate for bariatric patients.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals