- NHS mental health service
The National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine
All Inspections
14 October 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We spoke with a patient who had recently been admitted to the ward. The patient told us that staff had explained the aims of their care and treatment and had sought the patient's views and opinions about this.
When someone is initially admitted to the ward they are observed every 30 minutes as part of the assessment process. The patient told us that this had been explained to them by the staff involved and that the levels of observation did not impact on their privacy and dignity.
The patient was also aware of plans to review their medication treatment whilst on the ward and said they had given their agreement for this to be done. They also said that staff had explained the planned changes in a multi-disciplinary team meeting which the patient had attended the previous day.
When asked for their opinion of the ward the patient said, 'Staff are very good and make me as comfortable as possible. They are very helpful.'
A patient spoken with said that they felt safe on the ward.
We were told that staff are very supportive and can always be accessed if needed.
4 May 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
'Until I came here I had been ill for eight years and I had not been helped, now I am moving on'
'The staff are really friendly and helpful'
'We can go out whenever we want'
'I am involved in all of my care plans, the staff listen to what I have to say and my needs'
'The staff sit down with me and discuss my aims and objectives for my stay'
'I am involved in all parts of my care'
One patient told us that she has two care plans of her own which she keeps. She told us that she met with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and that they listened to her and she felt very much part of the meeting. The purpose of the MDT meeting had been to talk about her needs and her care plans.
Another patient told us that she sits down with the team and they talk about the issue and decide the best plan of action. She also told us that she can call on the key worker if she wants any aspect of the care plan changed.
The Trust provided us with examples of the comments they have received from patients '
"Thank you for seeing me as a whole person and not as a list of problems to be separated off as either mental or physical. This is something that I have really appreciated as it is so rare.'
"The ward forums have been helpful and a good way to meet the other patients."
"I am deeply grateful for your knowledge and expertise that has put me on the long road to recovery from CFS. Also the manner in which it has been done'without exception the staff have been kind, encouraging and supportive."'
"I have trusted the staff at all times'I have been encouraged during my admission to think for myself and problem solve. This has helped me so much in building my confidence."
"I have been very happy with my care on the ward and have felt my needs were met."
"I can't say enough about all the staff on ward 40. Excellent'couldn't have done enough for us."
We spoke with patients on the ward at the time of our visit and these are some of the comments they made '
(Staff) 'They've been amazing.'
'We have held our own groups as there have been none over the long weekends'
One person told us that they get 'bored' on the unit.
The Trust provided us with some of the feedback they have received from patients on Ward 40 -
"I have trusted the staff at all times'I have been encouraged during my admission to think for myself and problem solve. This has helped me so much in building my confidence."
We spoke with staff and these are some of their comments about what they felt works well on the unit '
'Provide good quality care'
'Good at breaking it down and finding out what's really going on.'