- NHS hospital
Frome Community Hospital
All Inspections
13 March 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
The patients we spoke with told us they had confidence in the staff and felt they were in safe hands. We were told, 'There are fantastic nurses here', 'I haven't any concerns and the staff are all very caring' and 'The nurses are very nice, nothing is too much trouble for them'. Patients told us they were always treated with dignity and respect, we were told 'They always treat me respectfully and draw the cubicle curtains when needed' and 'Staff are very polite and respectful'.
Patients were very complimentary about the staff and the care that they received. One person said, 'The nursing care is very good and when I need them they usually come pretty quickly' this reflected what the majority of patients told us. We observed that patient call bells were responded to reasonably quickly throughout the day of our inspection. However, one of the patients told us that the nurses were extremely busy and not always available when they needed help.
We observed a wide range of patient information leaflets were available on the ward and patients told us they had received useful information prior to their admission. We were told that the nursing staff were very helpful at answering any questions about their care. One person said, 'Staff are good at explaining things to me'.
Patients said, 'The food is excellent and I can't speak too highly about the ward' and 'I was pleasantly surprised how good hospital food is'. The menu was different each day and always included a choice of meat, fish and vegetarian options. Patients could choose a large or small portion size and gluten free meals were indicated on the menus. In addition patients could request sandwiches, salads or omelettes if they preferred.
The hospital had introduced a number of new patient activities to improve the patient's experience while staying in hospital. Hospital volunteers helped with activities such as weekly ward tea parties for patients and relatives, looking through picture books with patients with dementia, and Christmas events such as carol services. One hospital volunteer said, 'Patients are really well looked after and the staff are very caring. I wouldn't mind being admitted here myself. It's small and almost like a family, everyone is very kind'.