Updated 23 November 2022
- We found many improvements in surgery and outpatients since the last inspection.
- Action had been taken to reduce potential risks to patients undergoing surgery: improved compliance with the World Health Organisation safety check list.
- Staff followed infection prevention and control procedures and areas we inspected very visibly clean.
- Staff knew the action to take if they had concerns that a patient was being abused.
- Care and treatment provided was based on national guidance and evidence of its effectiveness.
- In surgery, outcomes for some treatments were better than the national standard.
- There was effective multidisciplinary working in surgery and outpatients.
- We observed many positive caring interactions between staff and patients in surgery and outpatients. In surgery patients told us staff went above and beyond to ensure they were comfortable.
- Care and treatment was responsive to the needs of patients. Support was available for people living with a learning disability or dementia and visual aids were available for people who were visually impaired.
- Access times for surgery from time of referral were better than the England average.
- The divisional structures had been reviewed and strengthened.
- Staff told us they were supported by their local managers and were encouraged to access development opportunities. There was a positive culture and staff were proud to work for the trust.
- There was a commitment to improving services and both services had systems to monitor the quality and safety of care provided.
- In outpatients more work was needed to improve learning from complaints and incidents and reduce the number of patients who did not attend for their appointment.
- In surgery the risk registers for theatres did not always reflect risks specific to the service.
- In outpatients some staff were not aware of the trust’s values or the strategy.
- The environment in the outpatients was limited and the trust had taken some action to improve it and more work was planned.
- Vacancies for non-registered staff were above the trust target.