We inspected Medway Maritime Hospital as part of the Medway NHS Foundation Trust inspection on 29, 30 November 5,8,10 and 17 December 2016. Medway NHS Foundation Trust was identified as a mortality outlier for both the hospital standardised mortality ratio (HSMR) and the summary hospital mortality indicator (SHMI) for 2011 and 2012. Consequently, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh (NHS England National Medical Director) carried out a rapid responsive review of the trust in May 2013 and the findings resulted in the trust being placed into special measures in July 2013. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) then undertook two comprehensive inspections of Medway Maritime Hospital in April 2014 and August 2015. The trust was rated inadequate overall at both of these inspections.
In August 2015 the trust was rated inadequate overall because of concerns relating to patient safety, the organisational culture and governance throughout the trust. Since this inspection the CQC has maintained a heightened programme of engagement and monitoring of data and concerns raised directly with us. The trust was also subject to additional scrutiny and support from the local clinical commissioning groups, NHSE and NHSI through a monthly Quality Oversight Committee which monitored the implementation of action plans to address the shortcomings identified.
This inspection was specifically designed to test the requirement for the continued application of special measures at the trust.
We have now rated Medway Maritime Hospital as 'Requires Improvement' overall. This is based on an aggregation of the ratings for the eight core services we inspected. We were able to see evidence of positive changes taking place across the hospital. However, there were still areas that required improvements so patients received consistently safe care.
The hospital had made improvements to flow through the introduction of a new model for treating medical patients. This was implemented in April 2016 and made significant improvements to the way in which patients’ care was managed.
We found effective systems to assess and respond to patient risk, and significant improvement in this area since our last inspection. These included daily checking for signs of deteriorating health, medical emergencies or challenging behaviour. The hospital had introduced “safety huddles” on the wards and improved staff training in recognising and responding to deteriorating patients. We observed staff recognised and responded appropriately to any deterioration in the condition of patients. Early warning scores were now consistently used across the hospital.
The trust had introduced a new frailty pathway to provide appropriate care for the significant number of patients with complex needs. This enabled staff to treat patients quickly to avoid the need for admission to hospital. The trust had improved their discharge planning and the hospitals delayed transfer of care rate was one of the lowest in England. However, in Surgery the service did not always use the facilities and premises appropriately due to a lack of available beds.
There had been improvements made to the management of patients in the Emergency department (ED). At our previous inspection we found that patients were routinely placed in a corridor where the delivery of safe care had been compromised. At this inspection we found that the corridor was no longer used to treat patients. We also found handovers and safety briefings in ED were effective and ensured staff managed risks to people who used the department. The process of triaging patients had also improved.
The trust had introduced several recruitment strategies. However, staff recruitment continued to be problematic with high levels of bank and agency use in some areas. In some departments staffing did not meet with the recognised standards and guidance. For example, in the emergency department medical staffing did not meet the Royal College of Emergency Medicine minimum requirements for consultant cover, the cardiac care unit (CCU) did not have consistent access to a medical team and in the maternity unit where staffing regularly did not meet its target of ratio of staff to patients, as recommended by Birthrate Plus. In the 2016 staff survey, which included a range of clinical and non-clinical staff, 76% of respondents said there were not enough staff to do their job properly.
There was openness and transparency about safety. Staff understood and fulfilled their responsibilities to report incidents and near misses and were supported when they did. There were effective systems in place to report incidents which were monitored and reviewed. Staff across the hospital gave examples of learning from incidents. Staff understood the principles of Duty of Candour regulations and were confident in applying the practical elements of this legislation.
At our previous inspection , we identified a lack of clinical oversight for patients waiting longer than the targets set for cancer and 18 week pathways. We saw a process of clinical oversight had been introduced and was embedded in the process of monitoring patient pathways. This included weekly patient tracking list meetings, and electronic flags on computer systems to alert staff to patients exceeding their target dates.
Although we saw improvement since our last inspection improvement was still required in relation to staff consistently having appraisals and completing mandatory training in line with trust policy.
We found care and treatment across the hospital was mostly planned and delivered in line with current evidence-based guidance, standards, best practice and legislation. Regular monitoring and audit ensured consistency of practice There were formal systems for collecting comparative data regarding patient outcomes. The hospital routinely monitored and collected information about patient outcomes and used this information to improve care. Benchmarking data showed patient outcomes were mostly similar to national averages. Data supplied demonstrated continuous improvement in some areas since the previous year.
Clinical governance systems, meeting structures and directorate risk registers formed part of the quality assurance and risk management system. Senior staff used the systems effectively to identify and mitigate risk.
At our last inspection we found significant failings in the hospitals estates and facilities management. At this inspection we found there had been improvements, although we still found areas that required attention. The directorate had made some significant changes. These included restructuring the directorate, bringing external contracts in-house (e.g. fire safety and training and a local security management specialist), creating and recruiting a new internal facilities audit team to improve auditing systems, revision of the terms of reference for estates and facilities groups, reviewing policies, and the housekeeping operating plan.
At our last inspection we had significant concerns about fire safety. Fire safety had been significantly improved at this inspection. Kent Fire & Rescue had undertaken a peer to peer review of Fire Safety at the trust. A Fire Action Plan had been created and presented to the trust Board in January 2017 which addressed key fire safety issues. Quarterly fire Safety reports will be provided to the trust Board in future.
Although the hospital was visibly clean, we found instances where clinical environments were not meeting the National Specifications of Cleanliness (NSC). This meant there was inconsistency in the auditing of cleaning standards across the very high risk areas and potentially an increase in the risk of hospital acquired infections.
There were specific areas of the hospital where staff were not feeling the positive impact of changes and where morale was low. This was more evident in theatre staff who were often working beyond the end of their shifts and band five nurses, who were feeling the impact of staff shortages and were often asked to move wards at short notice to cover shortages elsewhere. However, large numbers off staff joined a range of focus groups held at the hospital from different professional groups and we spoke with individual staff as we went around the hospital. The majority of staff we spoke with reported improvements in the organisational culture and were positive about developments at the trust.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
The neonatal unit improved their breast-feeding at discharge compliance rates from one of the lowest rates in the country to the highest. A critical care consultant, nurse practitioner, GP lay member and physiotherapist led an innovative programme to improve patient rehabilitation during their ICU admission and after discharge. This included a training and awareness session for all area GPs and a business case to recruit a dedicated rehabilitation coordinator. In addition, a critical care consultant had developed app software to be used on digital tablets to help communication and rehabilitation led by nurses. The consultant was due to present this at a critical care nurses rehabilitation group to gather feedback and plan a national launch.
Critical care services had a research portfolio that placed them as the highest recruiter in Kent. Research projects were local, national and international and the service had been recognised as the best performer of the 24 hospitals participating in the national provision of psychological support to people in intensive care (POPPI) study. Research projects for 2016/17 included a study of patients over the age of 80 cared for in intensive care; a review of end of life care practices; a respiratory study and a study on abdominal sepsis.
The 'Stop Oasis Morbidity Project’ (STOMP) project had reduced the number of first time mothers suffering third degree perineum tears. The project had been shortlisted for the Royal College of Midwifery Award 2017, Johnson’s Award for Excellence.
Team Aurelia was a multidisciplinary team. Women who were identified in the antenatal period as requiring an elective caesarean section would be referred to team Aurelia. Women were seen by an anaesthetist prior to surgery and an enhanced recovery process was followed to minimise women’s hospital stays following surgery.
The bereavement suite, Abigail’s Place, provided the “gold standard” in the provision of care for parents and families who experience a still birth. The suite created a realistic home environment for parents to spend time with their child.
The frailty and the ambulatory services, which required multidisciplinary working to ensure the needs of this patient group, were met. The individualised care and pathway given to patients attending with broken hips. The care ensured this group of patients’ needs were met on entering the department until admission to a ward. The development and implementation of the associate practitioner role.
Action the hospital MUST take to improve
Ensure flooring within services for children and young people is intact, in accordance with Department of Health’s Health Building Note 00-09.
Ensure all staff clean their hands at the point of care in accordance with the WHO 'five moments for hand hygiene'.
Review the provision for children in the recovery area of theatres and Sunderland Day Unit to ensure compliance with the Royal College of Surgeons, standards for children’s surgery.
Ensure staff record medicine fridge temperatures daily to ensure medicines remain safe to use.
Ensure compliance with recommendations when isolating patients with healthcare associated infections.
Ensure that all staff have appropriate mandatory training, with particular reference to adult safeguarding level two and children safeguarding levels two where compliance was below the hospital target of 80%. Ensure that all staff receive an annual appraisal.
Ensure that an appropriate policy is in place ensuring that patients transferred to the diagnostic imaging department from the emergency department are accompanied by an appropriate medical professional.
Ensure the intensive care unit meets the minimum staffing requirements of the Intensive Care Society, including in the provision of a supernumerary nurse in charge.
Ensure staffing levels in the CCU maintain a nurse to patient ration of 1:2 at all times.
Ensure that consultant cover in the emergency department meets the minimum requirements of 16 hours per day, as established by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
Ensure fire safety is a priority. Although the trust has taken steps to make improvements we found some areas where fire safety and staff understanding needed to be improved.
The trust must ensure people using services should not have to share sleeping accommodation with others of the opposite sex. All staff to be trained and clear of the regulation regarding same sex accommodation.
Ensure clinical areas are maintained in a clean and hygienic state, and the monitoring of cleaning standards falls in line with national guidance.
Take action to ensure emergency equipment (including drugs) are appropriately checked and maintained.
Action the hospital SHOULD take to improve
Ensure the electronic flagging system for safeguarding children in the children’s emergency department is fully embedded into practice.
Review safeguarding paperwork to ensure it can be easily identified in patient’s records.
Ensure there is a system in place to identify Looked after Children (LAC) in the children’s emergency department.
Enhance play specialist provision in line with national guidance.
Ensure children’s names and ages or not visible to the public, in compliance with the trusts ‘Code of conduct for Employees in Respect of Confidentiality’ policy.
Ensure compliance with NICE QS94, and ensure children, young people and their parents or carers are able to make an informed choice when choosing meals, by providing them with details about the nutritional content.
Identify risks for the outpatient risk register.
Begin monitoring the availability of patient records in outpatient clinics.
Ensure that referral to treatment times improve in line with the national targets.
Monitor the turnaround times for production of clinic letters to GPs following clinic appointments.
Ensure there is sufficient resource in allied health professionals teams to meet the rehabilitation needs of patients.
Ensure medical cover in the CCU is provided to an extent that nurses are fully supported to provided safe levels of care.
Medicines and IV fluids should be stored securely and safely. Intravenous (IV) fluids were stored in a draw on a corridor on pearl ward this was not secure as it did not ensure that IV fluids could not be tampered with. We found ampoules of metoclopramide and ranitidine, drugs commonly used for stomach problems, stored in a box together. This created a risk that patients may have been given the incorrect medicine.
Ensure equipment cleaning is thorough, including the undersides of equipment.
Ensure complaints are responded to in accordance with the trust’s policy for responding to complaints.
Meet the national standards for Referral to treatment times (RTT) for medical care services and continue to reduce the average length of stay of patients.
The driving gas for nebulised therapy should be specified in individual prescriptions as can be harmful to the patient.
Continue to address issues with flow to improve performance against national standards.
Repair/replace the two patient call bells in the majors overflow area.
Install a hearing loop in the emergency department reception area.
Consider how staff are made aware of internal escalation processes.
Take action to ensure patients recover from surgery in appropriate wards where their care needs can be met.
The trust should take action to ensure there is sufficient access to equipment. In particular, sufficient sling hoists for patients on Arethusa and Pembroke Wards and sufficient access to computers for staff throughout the surgical directorate.
It is apparent that the trust is on a journey of improvement and significant progress is being made both clinically and in the trust’s governance.
I would therefore recommend that, from a quality perspective, Medway NHS Foundation Trust, is now taken out of special measures.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals