- NHS mental health service
Oldham Mental Health Services
All Inspections
4 February 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients were treated with respect and were involved in discussion about their care and support. Comments from patients included 'The nurses are really friendly. They always want to help' and 'The nurses always give you time. They listen.'
Care and support was provided by multi-disciplinary teams. Each patient had a written care and support plan which was regularly reviewed and updated.
Appropriate safeguarding procedures were in place and understood by staff. Patients told us they felt safe on the wards. Comments included 'they [staff] are kind and they don't rush you', 'I feel comfortable with the nurses' and 'I felt safe once I was in here'.
Care and support was provided by a team of staff who were well trained, supervised and supported.
Effective quality monitoring took place to enable the service provider to ensure consistently good care was given to the patients. This included mechanisms for identifying when improvements were needed.