- NHS mental health service
The Rise
All Inspections
10 April 2013
During a routine inspection
One relative of a patient told us:' The staff do involve my relative and their family in decisions. We attend regular multi ' disciplinary meetings. The staff here are very good at communicating with us all'.
We saw that patient's care needs were subjected to a six monthly care programme approach (CPA) review. The CPA consisted of a multi ' disciplinary meeting which included relevant health professionals, the patient and their family. We found clear evidence that patients were involved in these discussions.
The provider responded appropriately to any allegation of abuse. We saw evidence of a recent safeguarding incident. The incident had been reported immediately both internally and to external agencies and subsequently investigated by the provider and external agencies.
One relative of a patient told us:' The staff here are professional and competent and are able to deal with very complex needs'.
During our visit we observed patient's preferences being sought and the ward sister explained that every morning each person using the service was asked what they would like to do on that particular day.