- NHS hospital
Hinckley and Bosworth Community Hospital
All Inspections
26 September 2012
During a routine inspection
One patient told us, 'The staff are marvelous, the nurses are great and the cleaning is spotless.' They also added, 'I've been here a fortnight, I wish I could stay longer.' Another similar comment 'Staff are friendly and willing to help. I'll be sorry to leave', 'I couldn't wish for better' and 'the people look after you well and I am getting better'.
Patients we spoke to were also complimentary about the food they received whilst on the wards.
Some of the patients told us they usually get prompt attention when they ring their call bell. The said that even when this wasn't immediate a nurse or health care assistant would respond to them and explain why their might me a slight delay. Staff also told us they always risk assess any call bell and will prioritise situations.
Patients told us they felt fully involved in their treatment. One patient indicated that at her time of arrival she was given clear and relevant information about the hospital. This did include a patient information book, but she also said the nurse took time to show her and her husband around and explain the workings of the ward. She also told us it felt respectful that the nurse clarified with her what she would prefer to be called whilst she was staying in the hospital.
This lady also indicated that during her treatment she felt that she had been kept fully informed about the options she had and that she had a range of choices. She added that she could talk to anybody on the ward and they would always take time to listen to her. She said this made her feel safe and re-assured and reduced her anxiety about being away from home.