- NHS hospital
Archived: Carter Bequest Primary Care Hospital
All Inspections
17 February 2014
During a routine inspection
Teams of CQC staff have inspected all the locations and these teams included specialist advisors and experts by experience. Throughout the two years we have held regular meetings with Trust representatives and discussed work the Trust is completing to maintain and improve their service. We have found that over the two years the Trust has remained compliant with all the regulations.
Our central analytic team have constantly reviewed the data the Trust has submitted to the various bodies overseeing their work and used this to assess the performance of the Trust. The central team have also compared this information on performance against other Trusts both in the North East, across the country and against Trusts with similar size populations and services. The last published risk rating for the Trust placed them in band 6, which is the lowest risk rating.
We found that the Trust's quality assurance system was effective. It covered all aspects of the service and did not lose sight of the needs of the patients using the community services.
13 August 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Dignity and Nutrition
The inspection team was led by a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspector joined by a practising professional and an Expert by Experience, who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of service.
Within the hospital we visited the two wards that specifically provided care for older people and at the time of the inspection, 34 people could be treated in these facilities. During the visit, we spoke with nine patients and four relatives from across the two wards. They told us that they found the staff were very respectful. Relatives thought the staff were meeting patient's needs and did so in a dignified manner.
All the patients said the food was good and they had a choice about this and which drink they had. They said they were able to eat either by their bed or in the lounge. We saw that staff supported patients to eat their meals in a relaxed manner.
Some Carter Bequest Hospital patients were not able to tell us about their experiences due to their clinical condition. We found that the design of the wards provided people with a great deal of privacy. However, we saw that staff were respectful to patient, and tailored the way they spoke to individuals to meet each patient's needs. We saw that patients were asked what they wanted to eat.