- NHS mental health service
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All Inspections
31 January 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
We talked with eight patients at the service and observed all fifteen patients over the two days. Patients told us they could talk to staff and we observed staff treating patients respectfully. We observed numerous one to one interactions and patients requesting to speak to staff about issues that were worry them or making them anxious. It was clear that this was a routine occurrence, and that patients valued the input.
Patients reported that they were involved in decisions and planning their care and including plans for discharge as well. Patients told us: 'I was a bit nervous but after a week I settled down. It is a nice unit, I am well cared for and the staff are good. They try and help you every day.'
'We get to talk to our named nurse and the psychologists. They help you to look at things differently.'
'I have done a lot of courses since I came here, about how to stay calm and get on with other patients better.'
'Sometimes it seems a bit slow, I want to move on, but they are helping me to find the right place.'
'It's sometimes noisy in here and some patients don't respect the furniture. I would like somewhere with people of my own age. I've been helped to write down what I want and the support I need from my new place.'
Relatives told us they were happy with the service provided, the skills of staff and they felt informed and included in the care provided to patients. They said that staff did their best to protect patients from harm by others or themselves. They were invited to review meetings and were involved in care planning.
Overall patients expressed the view that staff in the Alderley unit were helping them with their problems and to move on to longer term accommodation that was more suited to their needs.