Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) is an acute teaching hospital with two sites the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton (centre for emergency and tertiary care) and the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath (centre for elective surgery). The Brighton campus includes the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital and the Sussex Eye Hospital.
The trust provides services to the local populations in and around the City of Brighton and Hove, Mid Sussex and the western part of East Sussex and more specialised and tertiary services for patients across Sussex and the south east of England.
The trust was inspected in April 2016 and rated as inadequate. Princess Royal Hospital was rated as requires improvement. Following publication of the report and our recommendation, the trust was placed into special measures by NHS Improvement.
The trust has now been subject to performance oversight for eight months and this inspection was made to assess progress against the actions required subsequent to the publication of the 2016 report.
In designing this inspection, we took account of those services that performed well at the 2016 inspection and as a consequence the services inspected only included emergency care, medical services, surgery, critical care, maternity and gynaecology and outpatients and diagnostics.
The trust board and executive leadership has been unstable for the last twelve months and immediately prior to the inspection management responsibility for the trust had been passed to the board of Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust. As such, it was not appropriate to complete a full assessment of trust wide leadership. However, during the inspection we have followed up the concerning areas of organisational culture of bullying and harassment and discrimination that were evident in the 2016 report.
Our key findings were as follows:
Incident reporting, process and culture was much improved with enhanced analysis. Feedback to staff via safety huddles and other communications had also been improved. However, in some areas learning and sharing had not been maximised and in critical care a significant backlog of incidents had occurred that impeded the opportunity to learn from incidents.
Following an improvement initiative the trust had reduced the number of never events at the trust. The root cause analysis of serious incidents was also of a good standard.
There was not an overarching strategy for the maintenance of a clean environment and the fabric of some areas of the hospital remained in a poor condition. The concerns relating to fire safety expressed in our last report had been addressed by a process of external review and assessment. However, action plans to complete the work identified lacked documentation of completion and had no corporate oversight mechanism.
Although overall consultant cover has increased we remain concerned regarding the provision of paediatric nursing and paediatric anaesthetist cover to the emergency department. The trust is continuing to work with local commissioners regarding the perception and use of the paediatric emergency department by the local population.
IT provision in the emergency department is now aligned with RSCH addressing the risk identified in our last report.
Staffing levels and recruitment remain challenging for the trust. However, staff are now more likely to report staffing issues as incidents than previously.
As at our last inspection, medicines management, safeguarding and duty of candour were well managed and applied appropriately. Although the trust has improved its compliance with mandatory and safeguarding training many departments remain below a low threshold target of 75%.
Staff generally followed established and evidence based patient pathways. Staff had access to up to date protocols and policies we saw a significant improvement in maternity. Sepsis training, awareness and protocols had also improved. However, pathways for bariatric patients being managed in medicine were not optimum.
As also reported in 2016 national clinical audits were widely completed. Mortality and morbidity was reviewed in all departments.
Pain relief was effectively delivered and the trust had developed its trust wide pain team. However, the service remained unavailable at weekends.
Patients nutritional needs were generally met and the trust and increased efforts to provide protected mealtimes. Comfort rounds had been introduced in the emergency department to assist in the maintenance of hydration. There remained no dedicated dietician support to the critical wards.
Appraisal compliance had significantly improved across the trust. However, this was from a low base and many departments still remained below the trust target.
As reported at our last inspection, patients received compassionate care throughout the trust and we observed this in the interactions between staff and patients. Patients were very positive in their feedback regarding the care they received.
Patients reported they were involved in decisions about their treatment and care and this was reflected in the care records we reviewed.
Similar to our last inspection, referral to treatment time was consistently below the national standard for most specialties. The trust had improved compliance with two week wait and 31 day standard for cancer but was not attaining the 62 day target. Delays were also being incurred in the processing of biopsies for pathology.
The number of patients whose operation was cancelled and who were then not re-seen within 28 days exceeded the national average.
Provisions for the care of patients living with dementia was well developed with appropriate forms of patient identification and well considered design of clinical environment and signage.
Our review of complaints identified a tendency to respond in a defensive manner and a lack of negotiated extended timelines. However, external peer review of complaints over the last three years had not identified issues with the quality of responses.
Well led
At our last inspection, staff widely reported a culture of bullying and harassment and a lack of equal opportunity. We discussed the findings in individual interviews and staff focus groups and the findings were largely acknowledged as accurate. However, the trust had not clearly communicated its acknowledgment of the issue to the workforce.
The trust has commissioned and commenced an external consultancy to develop a strategy that addresses the current persistence of bullying and harassment, inequality of opportunity afforded all staff, but notably those who have protected characteristics, and the acceptance of poor behaviour whilst also providing the board clear oversight of delivery.
The trust has tried to address bullying and harassment via leadership training and an initiative "Working Together Effectively #stopbullying". This was promoted by a poster campaign using a well-crafted definition of bullying and a supporting intranet web site providing helpful guidance and tools. During our interviews and focus groups very few staff indicated recognition of the initiative.
Some staff indicated during focus groups and interviews that there had been an improvement in the management of poor behaviour, notably in maternity where a behaviour code of conduct had been introduced. However, representative groups described a lack of corporate acknowledgement of discrimination and inequality issues and little change over the last twelve months.
The lack of equitable access to promotion was again raised by members of the BME network citing recent changes in the management of soft FM services as an example of bias. This has resulted in a further review of the soft FM management of change process by the trust and a pause in implementation. Concerns on this issue have been raised by staff.
The role of out-dated human resource policies and their inconsistent application in exacerbating inequality was highlighted in our last report. The human resource team have responded with a comprehensive review of policy and revised training of team and managers. Representative groups viewed that there had been a lack of engagement in the development and review of these policies.
BME staff again indicated the lack of equitable access to training and leadership initiatives. The trust did not maintain data indicating the equality of access to leadership programmes.
Staff in focus groups indicated that staff themselves had not been suitably trained to manage the diversity of patients they treat leading to an inability to manage difficult situations and support staff who have been abused.
The latest staff survey results rank among the worst nationally. Overall the organisational culture and the management of equality remains a significant obstacle to the trust improvement plan.
We observed improvements in local directorate governance arrangements but the complexity of the operational model continues to lead to a lack of clarity in terms of accountability, alignment of strategy and consistent dissemination of information and direction.
Clinical leaders indicated a need for personal development, increased non-clinical time and greater management expertise in order to deliver the required organisational change. This group appeared as highly motivated with an appetite for the challenge ahead. The clinical transformation programme was seen as indicative of the potential this group has for delivery.
There is no doubt that improvements have been made since our last inspection and that the staff involved in the delivery of that change should be congratulated. However, there remains an extensive programme of change to be delivered in order to attain an overall rating of good. The lack of consistent board and executive leadership has hampered the pace of change in the last twelve months and it is anticipated that the incoming management team can provide both stability and clarity of leadership that will lead to sustainable change.
However, I recommend that Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust remains in special measures to provide time for the leadership to become embedded and that the outstanding patient safety, culture and equality issues are addressed.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
- The new self-rostering approach to medical cover had a significant impact on Urgent Care service. Medical staff appreciated the autonomy and flexibility this promoted as well as the effective and safe cover for the department. Due to this initiative, the department was able to provide round the clock medical cover without the use of temporary staff.
- The introduction of the clinical fellow programme that had improved junior cover in the Emergency Department and also the education and development opportunities for juniors.
- Arrangements for the care of patients living with dementia were well developed on Hurstpierpoint Ward. There was a "bus stop" in the ward corridor and this was used as a focal point for patients to meet. Some patients wandered and this enabled them to rest and also provided a distinct reference if a patient could not remember where they were going. Each bay was also painted a distinct colour to support patients to find their way back to their beds. A computer was available for patients to use in order that they could skype family who could not visit every day. We also saw there was a quiet room available for patients and family to meet away from the ward area. This room contained life-sized stuffed animals that were used as therapy due to the health and safety issues around bringing in a pet as therapy dog. The ward also had a reminiscence room that was decorated and set up like a living room from the 1950’s. Staff advised us this area was used for therapy sessions as patients felt more at ease in the surroundings. Inside the room there was also a made-up switchboard for patients with electronic and operator experience.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
In ED, the trust must ensure that medical gases are stored safely and securely.
In ED, the trust must ensure the current paediatric service provision is reviewed and has a safe level of competent staff to meet children and young people’s needs.
- In outpatients and diagnostic imaging, the trust must take action to ensure that patient records are kept securely.
In surgery, the trust must ensure that safer sharps are used in all wards and department.
National Specification of Cleanliness (NCS) checklists and audits must be in place including a deep cleaning schedule for theatres.
In critical care, the hospital must take action to ensure that information is easily available for those patients and visitors that do not speak English as a first language.
- In critical care, the trust must ensure there is adequate temperature monitoring of medicines fridges.
- In critical care, the controlled drug register must comply with legislative requirements.
- In critical care, the trust must ensure that pharmacy support meets national guidance.
- In critical care, the trust must make arrangements to meet national guidance on dietetic provision.
- The trust must ensure that all staff within the medical directorate have attended mandatory training and that there are sufficient numbers of staff with the right competencies, knowledge and qualifications to meet the needs of patients.
- The trust must ensure all staff within the medicine directorate have an annual appraisal.
- The trust must ensure fire plans and risk assessments ensure patients, staff and visitors can evacuate safely.
- The trust must ensure all medical wards where medicines are stored have their ambient temperature monitored in order to ensure efficacy.
In addition:
- In ED, the trust should consider how patients with impaired capacity have these risks identify and managed appropriately.
In ED, the trust should consider how mandatory training rates could be improved to meet the trust own compliance rates.
In ED, the trust should consider how it manages continuity with incident, compliant and risk management processes across both sites.
In ED, the trust should provide sufficient housekeeping cover in the department twenty-four hours a day.
In ED, the trust should improve staff engagement at the PRH site.
- In outpatients and diagnostic imaging, the trust should improve compliance with mandatory training completion.
- In outpatients and diagnostic imaging, the trust should consider how appraisal targets are met.
- In outpatients and diagnostic imaging, the trust should discuss incidents regularly with staff and share.
- In outpatients and diagnostic imaging, the trust should develop a strategy for the outpatients and diagnostic imaging department.
In surgery, the trust should take steps to consider how the 18 week Referral to Treatment Time is achieved so patients are treated in a timely manner and their outcomes are improved.
In surgery, the trust should continue to work on reducing the
waiting list for a specific colon surgery.
In surgery, the trust should make arrangements so all staff have attended safeguarding and all other mandatory training.
In surgery, the trust should ensure the plan to improve staff engagement is fully implemented.
- In critical care, the trust should take steps consider altering the record keeping system so it is the same as that at the RSCH.
- In critical care, the trust should not store items in corridors or use wooden pallets.
- In critical care, the trust should look to change the main door to the unit to one that is motorised.
- The trust should take steps to fully meet the national guidelines around the rehabilitation of adults with a critical illness.
- The critical care department should improve their performance in relation to the local critical care network measure of quality and innovation.
- The critical care department should take steps to ensure that medical staff are given Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards training.
- The critical care department should widely publish information collected from the friends and family test.
- The trust should take steps to address the delays that patients have when being discharged from critical care.
- The senior leadership team should develop an interim strategy and vision for the critical care department.
- The critical care management team should work with the HR team to address the issue of staff working between the trust’s two sites.
The medicine directorate should review the provision of the pain service in order to provide a seven day service including the provision of the management of chronic pain services.
The medicine directorate should review the provision of pharmacy services across the seven day week and improve pharmacy support.
The medicine directorate should prioritise patient flow through the hospital as this impacted on length of stay, timely discharge and capacity.
- In maternity, the trust should consider involving the directorate in Morbidity and Mortality meetings to ensure robust learning and review.
- Targets for mandatory training in maternity and gynaecology should be reviewed so trust targets can be met, in particular in regards to safeguarding.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals