- GP practice
Your Health Partnership (YHP) Also known as YHP-Regis Medical Centre
Report from 26 November 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
The service had good governance, management and accountability arrangements in place. Staff could explain their roles and understood their responsibilities. The provider had good systems in place to manage performance and ensure staff had the skills and knowledge so people had the good care and treatment. Managers had systems in place to assure them staff skill and knowledge were appropriate to support people.
This service scored 71 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff and leaders showed they had a good understanding of the vision and strategy for the practice. We saw that leaders demonstrated a positive and compassionate working environment for staff and listened and promoted a culture of trust and understanding. We saw that a focus on learning and improvement was integral to how the provider improved their services. Staff told us leaders were visible, approachable and they felt valued. Staff told us that there had been significant improvements since they were last inspected.
The practice had a strategy in place for future planning and vision. The practice was involved in a number of pilots both national and local which ensured a wide variety of services for people. For example people could refer through the practice directly for a number of NHS services.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
We did not look at Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.
Freedom to speak up
Staff told they were aware of the whistle blowing policy and they worked within a culture of openness. Staff knew how to contact the freedom to speak up guardian.
There was a freedom to speak up policy in place and the provider had posters that told staff how they could contact the freedom to speak up guardian where needed.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff told us the workforce was diverse, which we evidenced. There was a equality and diversity policy in place, this supported the provider to ensure their staff team reflected the community in which it was based. Staff felt empowered and that their views were considered towards making positive change to shape services and created a more inclusive working environment.
The provider had systems in place that promoted a working environment that was fair and equitable. They had regular staff meetings, they have a staff forum and carried out well being road shows due to the size of the staff team and multiple locations.
Governance, management and sustainability
Staff told us that rather than having a traditional patient participation group they communicated with patients via internal focus groups and carry out surveys. Staff also told us there were clear governance arrangements in place to support them within their job roles and they were clear about their responsibilities. Staff told us there was a continuity and sustainability plan in place and they knew their roles within it.
The provider had clear policies, processes and systems to support good governance and management. the provider also had a comprehensive business continuity plan in place. There was a clear operational structure and managers worked shifts to ensure there was cover at all times if needed. A clear communication framework including a internal magazine, drop in sessions with senior managers for staff and a centralised communication email system to share updates were also part of their processes.
Partnerships and communities
While some people told us the provider had got worse since the provider changed to the current provider ‘Your Health Partnership’. We also found that a number of people found the change a positive one and told us the care they received was good and they felt involved in decisions about their care.
Staff and leaders told us they worked with a number of external stakeholders and agencies. For example, social services, palliative care nurses, care homes, Integrated care board, eye clinics and liaise with police and fire services. Social prescribers also work with different sections of the community to support people with their health social and wellbeing. Staff told us they held focus groups and carried surveys to understand how people wanted to access the practice. This information was then used to improve the access arrangements in July 2024.
We found the concerns we identified at our last inspection in 2022, leading to the provider sending us an action plan for how they would make the necessary improvements required to remove the breaches of regulation 12 and 17. We found the concerns were actioned as per the action plan and the necessary improvements made. There were clear and effective systems in place for accountability and staff demonstrated they understood them. There were clear systems in place to monitor, review and implement changes where these were necessary. For example, the changes the provider made to the access system in July 2024 to improve how people accessed a GP. The provider worked closely with other partners to be able to monitor and make improvements to the support people received. We found a wide range of innovations were also being undertaken by the provider to offer more services to people.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff told us they were able to learn from significant incidents and complaints as these were discussed in regular meetings. Information was shared with staff by managers as part of improving the service to people. On a weekly basis there was time put aside for staff training and personal development, which was an improvement since the last inspection. Staff told us they were involved in national and local initiatives to improve patient care and welfare.
The provider had clear processes to ensure learning from significant events and to support staff development and training. Since the last inspection we found that the provider had developed pathways and services to improve patient care and treatment. The provider also worked with national and local partners to bring innovative services and pathways to how they delivered patient care and treatment. For example, regular reviews into patient deaths within the practice to support learning and patient care and a number of clinical pathway pilots.