- NHS mental health service
Juniper Unit
All Inspections
21 August 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Dignity and Nutrition
The inspection team was led by a CQC inspector joined by an 'expert by experience' (people who have experience of using services and who can provide that perspective) and a practising professional.
We used the Short Observational Framework Inspection (SOFI) tool to help us with our observations, because people were unable to tell us about their experiences. We also looked at the experience of two people in detail. We looked at their care records, spoke with staff about how their needs were met, and observed interactions between them and staff.
SOFI observations of people showed us that their interactions were mostly with staff, and that these were of a positive or neutral nature. SOFI observations also showed that people were generally in positive or neutral moods during observations.
These observations were backed up by what we saw during our visit.
We saw positive and considerate interactions between staff and patients. Staff frequently checked on patients' well-being. We saw staff treating patients with respect and warmth. They were offered choices throughout the day and giving gentle encouragement and support when needed. Support did not impinge on people's dignity. When people became distressed, or aggressive, staff were calm and reassuring, and were able to divert people into more positive frames of mind.
We did not speak with any relatives, as there were none present during our visit. Staff told us that visiting times were late afternoon and evening, although visitors could arrange to visit earlier if they had difficulties visiting later.