- NHS mental health service
Airedale Centre for Mental Health
All Inspections
6 August 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
16, 17, 18, 22, 23 July 2013
During a routine inspection
Most patients on Fern and Heather wards told us they were informed about their care and treatment, had attended meetings about their care and were satisfied. However some patients could not remember seeing their care records.
We looked at questionnaires completed by patient's relatives/carers when they were discharged from ward 24. We saw they were all complimentary about the care received and staff had treated patients with respect and dignity.
We found the Trust had systems in place to monitor the quality of the services it delivered at Airedale Centre for Mental health. There was an overarching service governance committee, chaired by a non-executive Director, which was underpinned by service-led locality governance groups. The committee discussed amongst other things serious incidents, complaints and patient experience and we were told by the staff each ward team met twice a month to discuss these areas.
We found the Trust had identified areas where improvements were needed and had taken action. For example they had plans in place to improve staff training regarding the Mental Capacity Act and risk management.
20 January 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
20 January 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
3, 29 March 2011
During a routine inspection
The people spoken to who use the services said they felt supported and well cared for.
People commented on more than one occasion that they felt involved with their care and felt safe.
One person using the services stated that they have a good rapport with their doctor and they have a named nurse.
Staff were generally positive about their work and one manager commented that management are supportive of new ideas.
Staff commented that there are mixed levels of competence amongst colleagues in the use of the electronic record system. This variability in competence does negatively affect the quality of information entered into the electronic record system.
Staff commented that certain colleagues do not always have the correct level of access to the necessary sections of the electronic record system in order to complete care records as necessary.