22, 23 November 2011
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Overall, patients told us they were happy with the way staff supported them. Patients and relatives told us they thought individuals were offered appropriate care, treatment and support from a dedicated team of staff.
One patient said staff offered them choices for example, they could choose which meals to prepare to stay healthy. The patient told us they then went shopping with staff to buy the food and staff supported them to prepare their meals.
Another patient told us they enjoyed taking part in activities including, table tennis and cookery. They said their favourite TV show was, 'Come dine with me', and they watched this regularly.
Patients told us they could take part in a range of other activities. For example, a patient told us they attended an individual art therapy session. Other patients told us they enjoyed playing bowling on an electronic game. Patients told us they attend a range of weekly groups. Including, Rainbow Group (patients' meeting), Fitness and Wellbeing group, and CHAT group (speech therapy group). Patients told us they were supported to attend external evening activity groups. For example, Gateway social club, is available twice a week, and every other month, Under the stars, a nightclub event, was available to patients.
Relatives said they and patients were able to contribute to individual person-centred plans, care plans and health action plans. Patients and relatives told us they were able to attend and participate in care plan and review meetings. Relatives told us how staff went, 'the extra mile', to ensure patients' needs were met.