23-27 February 2015
During a routine inspection
The hospital had environmental challenges on some wards due to the age, design and fabric of the building. However; the provider had an improvement plan in place to address these issues which included refurbishing some wards and up-grading the seclusion rooms to ensure they complied with current guidance. These issues were escalated onto the providers' risk register. Some of the improvement work had been completed.
The hospital had an open and transparent culture to reporting and learning from incidents. Safeguarding was embedded in clinical practice.
Medication management was good across the service.
Staffing levels and skill mix were good across the services. The hospital had taken action to recruit more medical staff for the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit wards in line with best practice guidance.
Patients were able to access a range of treatments to support their recovery within a multidisciplinary team approach. Staff had access to the support and training required to provide care and treatment to patients.
However, on the in-patient Child and Adolescent wards, some staff did not have a good understanding of issues relating to caring for young people with an autistic spectrum disorder.
The hospital had a good governance structure in place to monitor the use of the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act across the wards and identify any themes or issues which required addressing.
Feedback from patients was positive overall. Staff were praised for their caring attitude and were considered approachable and friendly. The majority of patients we spoke to felt involved in their care. Patients were supported to maintain and develop their relationships with those close to them, their social networks and community.
The hospital involved patients in the recruitment of new staff including being part of the interview panel. An ex patient was also a member of the hospital wide governance group.
The service was responsive to meeting patients' needs. The hospital admitted patients primarily from the North of England. However; due to the specialist nature of some of the services such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and eating disorder wards, patients residing outside of this area could be admitted if they met the criteria for admission. Discharges were planned through the Care Programme Approach framework.
The wards provided a range of activities and facilities to meet patients' needs.
All complaints or compliments a ward received were discussed locally at the ward team meetings. The ward managers analysed all complaints to identify any trends or themes.
The service was well-led locally and at senior management level. The provider’s visions and strategies for the services were evident and staff understood the vision and direction of the organisation. Senior managers had a visible presence within all clinical areas.
There was an effective embedded governance structure in place which was based upon a quality improvement agenda.
Staff morale across the hospital was very good, teams were proud of their work and felt supported by their managers.