28 - 29 May 2015
During an inspection of Child and adolescent mental health wards
- The ward environment on Sahara ward was not fit for purpose and did not promote the recovery and dignity of the people being cared for on the ward.
- There was evidence of the organisations safeguarding policy not being followed which meant the risk to a young person was increased.
- Seclusion records were not being kept to the standard required by the Mental Health Code of Practise.
- Seclusion rooms were did not meet the standard required by the Mental Health Act Code of Practice.
- The ward environments did not meet the criteria for mixed sex accommodation as required by the Mental Health Act Code of Practice.
- Staff reported a lack of support and supervision.
- Medication records had been amended after audits. This meant that the records were no longer accurate about what medication dose had been given and when.
- We observed a lack of meaningful interaction with young people by staff.
- Ward managers and team leaders showed good leadership skills at ward level and we observed them dealing with a variety of issues in an appropriate way.
- Young people told us that they had good relationships with staff.
- Young people reported enjoying psychology sessions and occupational therapy sessions.