5, 6, 7 and 22 December 2016
During a routine inspection
When aggregating ratings, our inspection teams follow a set of principles to ensure consistent decisions. The principles will normally apply but will be balanced by inspection teams using their discretion and professional judgement in the light of all of the available evidence.
Letter from the Chief Inspector of Hospitals
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a comprehensive inspection of Anglian Community Enterprise between the 5-8 December 2016, with an unannounced inspection on 22 December 2016 to Clacton and Harwich Hospital.
This community enterprise company provides a number of NHS community services to the population of North East Essex. During our inspection we visited the three registered locations at Clacton, Harwich and Kennedy House, as well as a number of small clinics and services run across the region.
Prior to undertaking this inspection we spoke with stakeholders, and reviewed the information we held about the provider. The provider had undergone significant change since 2011, when it left the NHS and became Anglian Community Enterprise. In 2015 Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE) was awarded one of England’s largest current healthcare contracts to deliver Care Closer to Home (community based health services).
The comprehensive inspections resulted in a provider being assigned a rating of ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’. Each core service receives an individual rating, which, in turn, informs an overall provider rating. The inspection found that overall the provider has a rating of
Overall, we have found that the provider was performaing at a level which led to the judgement of Good with some elements of Requires Imporvment.
We inspected four cores services, Urgent Care, Community health for adults, Community inpatient services
and Community services for children and young people.
Our key findings were as follows:
- There was an open culture for reporting incidents, with clear action plans and learning within teams.
- There was a good understanding of safeguarding adults and childrens across the services.
- Staff were knowledgeable about Duty of Candour.
- Mandatory training was above target in most areas.
- Evidence based practice was embed through the organisation and services followed national guidance.
- The provider participated in the NHS safety Thermometer and the NHS Medication Safety Thermometer, which overall showed that patients were receiving safe and harm free care.
- There were good examples of multi-disciplinary working to improve patients outcomes.
- In Community, Urgent Care and Childrens services there was a good understanding of Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty and both Fraser guidelines and Gillick competence.
- Patients were treated with kindness, compassion, dignity and respect throughout all of the services we inspected.
- Patients were involved on their care and staff were focussed on the individual needs of the patients.
- There were examples of staff going above and beyond what they were expected to do.
- Services were planned around the needs of the patients and there was on going work to fulfil the “care closer to home” contract.
- There was a flagging system in use within the electronic patient records to identify vulnerable patients such as those with a learning disability.
- The provider was part of the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home Vising (MESCH ) programme, which provided support by health visitors to vulnerable families.
- People were supported to raise concerns, complaints and compliments across the service, and there was evidence in how learning from complaints was used to change practice
Well Led
- There was a vision and strategy in place which focussed on integrated working and the changing needs and commissioning environment of healthcare, with the introduction of the “care closer to home” contract.
- 50% of staff owned a share in the company.
- Overall staff felt that the provider was supportive and that engagement and training opportunities were good.
- There was a corporate risk register, rating risks from low through to very high. Risks were clearly documented with summary updates, ownership of risks and actions taken to mitigate risk.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
- ACE was awarded the Stage 3 Unicef Baby Friendly Accreditation in January 2016.
- ACE had been nominated as a finalist in the UK Social Enterprise Award 2016.
- The provider was in the process of deploying new technology phones, following a successful pilot project, in the use of wound photography in community nursing service.
Importantly, the provider must:
- Complete and submit Notifications as required by the Care Quality Commission ( applicable to all ex-NHS Community Interest Companies), for changes, events and incidents affecting the service or the people who use it.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
- The provider should consider reviewing the children’s waiting areas in urgent care, to ensure they provide visual and audible separation from the adult waiting areas in line with intercollegiate standards for Children and Young People in Emergency Care settings.
- The provider should ensure medicines including are stored in line with provider policy at all times.
- The provider should ensure equipment is stored safely and in line with provider policy at all times.
- The provider should ensure equipment is fit for purpose and ensure maintenance and servicing is completed in line with provider policy at all times.
- The provider should ensure compliance rate for mandatory training courses is in line with the provider’s compliance target.
- The provider should maintain staffing levels in line with recommendations in their staffing report and Royal College of Nursing guidance.
- The provider should ensure that knowledge of Mental capacity and Deprivation of Liberty is embedded in learning and practice.
- The provider should consider the level of safeguarding training provided to non-registered staff providing clinical care.
- The provider should ensure that all relevant standard operating procedures are updated and implemented across the organisation.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals