21 May 2019 to 20 June 2019
During an inspection of Community health inpatient services
Our rating of this service stayed the same. We rated it as good because:
- Staff were provided with training in safety systems, processes and practices.
- Systems were in place to ensure staff met the trust target for training compliance.
- Systems, processes and practices kept people safe and safeguarded against abuse.
- Standards of cleanliness and hygiene were maintained and there were reliable systems in place to prevent and protect people from healthcare associated infections.
- Patient’s care and treatment needs were discussed amongst the staff team so that all staff were aware of risks and the patient’s care needs.
- Staffing levels and skill mix of staff were planned and reviewed so that patients received safe care and treatment.
- Staff ensured the proper and safe use of medicines.
- Staff reported incidents and lessons were learned and improvement made when things went wrong.
- Staff worked together as a multi-disciplinary team and had the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care, support and treatment.
- Staff monitored and managed the pain experienced by patients.
- The nutritional and hydration needs of patients were identified, monitored and met.
- Patients were supported to live healthier lives and advice and guidance was provided to help them.
- Consent to care and treatment was sought in line with legislation and guidance.
- Patients were treated with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
- Patients and those close to them were provided with emotional support when needed.
- Staff took account of patient’s individual needs, including for patients who lived dementia, learning disability or physical disability.
- Patients could access the right care at the right time within the community hospital.
- Complaints were listened to and taken seriously by the trust.
- The managers had the capacity and capability to deliver high quality sustainable care.
- The vision and strategy formed a base from which to deliver high quality sustainable care to patients and a robust plan to monitor delivery of the care.
- Managers across the community hospital promoted a positive culture that valued and supported staff.
- The trust used a systematic approach to improve the quality of its services and safeguard high standards of care.
- Appropriate and accurate information was available to staff to support their work.
- The trust engaged with and involved patients, the public, staff and external partners to support high quality sustainable services.
- Staff were supported with learning and continuous improvement.
- Maintenance and use of facilities, equipment and premises did not consistently keep people safe. Staff did not consistently carry out appropriate checks on all equipment. A fire exit was blocked at the start of our inspection although staff promptly addressed this when highlighted.
- Risks to patients were assessed and their safety monitored. However, action was not always taken or recorded to evidence patients were supported to stay safe.
- Not all patient records such as risk assessments were available for staff to promptly access when needed. Patient records did not consistently evidence the action staff had taken to ensure appropriate medical care and treatment was provided. Not all care plans were in sufficient detail to direct and guide staff.
- Patient care and treatment outcomes were not monitored and compared to other similar services.
- There were clear processes for managing risks, issues and performance. However, these were not always effective.