We carried out an announced inspection 24-27 January 2017 and an unannounced inspection at Gloucestershire Royal on 6 February 2017. This was a focused inspection to follow-up on concerns from a previous inspection. As such, not all domains were inspected in all core services and the trust has not been rated following this inspection.
The inspection team inspected the following seven core services at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital:
• Urgent and emergency services
• Medical care (including older people’s care)
• Surgery
• Maternity and gynaecology
• Services for children’s and young people
• End of life care
• Outpatients and diagnostic imaging
The following services were inspected at Cheltenham General Hospital
• Urgent and emergency services
• Medical care (including older people’s care)
• Surgery
• End of life care
• Outpatients and diagnostic imaging
As this was a focused inspection we did not inspect the critical care services at either location (previously rated outstanding) and did not inspect all domains within the core services covered. This also meant we were not able to rate the organisation overall at this inspection.
We rated the safe domain as requires improvement in urgent and emergency services, medicine, surgery, and outpatients and diagnostic imaging in both hospitals. In Gloucester Royal Hospital we rated the safe domain as requires improvement in maternity and gynaecology and good in children’s and young people’s services. We rated the safe domain as good for end of life services across both hospitals.
- We had concerns about patient safety, particularly when the emergency department was crowded. Lack of patient flow within the hospital and in the wider community created a bottle neck in the emergency department, creating pressures in terms of space and staff capacity. This in turn increased the risk that patients may not be promptly assessed, diagnosed and treated.
- Crowding was compounded by an acute shortage of staff. There was an acute shortage of middle grade doctors and there were particular concerns raised by medical and nursing staff about medical cover at night. Consultants regularly worked longer hours to support their junior colleagues and there were concerns about whether this could be sustained. Analysis of demand patterns indicated that more senior decision-makers were required at night. The department was not fully staffed with nurses. There was a heavy reliance on bank and agency staff to fill gaps in the rota. When the department was crowded staff felt vulnerable because planned safe staff to patient ratios could not be maintained.
- There was no designated room for mental health practitioners to conduct mental health assessments within the emergency department. Patients would be assessed in one of the review rooms, which did not meet the safety standards recommended by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- There was no senior (band seven) nurse employed to manage each shift as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
- Support staff functions were not adequately resourced. Healthcare assistants performed housekeeping duties, doctors, nurses and managers moved patients, and the nurse coordinator was frequently occupied with administrative duties.
- Crowding in the emergency department meant that ambulance crews were frequently delayed in handing over their patients.
- Patients were not always assessed quickly on their arrival in the emergency department. Initial assessment (triage) often consisted of a verbal handover from ambulance staff to the nurse coordinator without a face to face assessment of the patient.
- Record keeping was generally poor and we could not be assured that patients received prompt and appropriate assessment, care and treatment. In particular, we were concerned about the recording of observations and the calculation of early warning scores. Patient observations were not always carried out consistently or early enough and early warning scores were not consistently calculated.
- Within the medical service, not all specialties held regular and structured mortality and morbidity meetings to ensure learning could be identified and shared.
- Staff did not always follow infection control procedures when entering wards and ensuring the cleanliness of equipment such as commodes.
- Wards did not display evidence of when areas such as toilets were last cleaned and we did not see environmental audit result displayed on the wards we visited.
- Staff did not always comply with legislation regarding the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).
- The fabric of the building did not always ensure efficient cleaning could be carried out.
- Daily checking of equipment such as resuscitation equipment was not carried out in all areas in line with the trust’s policy.
- Medicines were not always managed correctly. Fridge temperatures were not monitored or actions taken where these fell out of normal range. There were a number of out of date patient group directives (PGD’s) in use in maternity services.
- Records were not stored safely to ensure patient confidentiality was maintained at all times.
- Staff did not always assess risks to patients and followed up with mitigating care interventions.
- Nursing staffing levels were below establishment and wards, departments and operating theatres relied on bank and agency to cover shifts every day.
- The trust did not use a recognised tool to assess the acuity of patients daily to ensure safe staffing levels were in place on each shift and particularly at night.
- The number of surgical site infection rates for replacement hips and knees and spinal surgery had increased since our last inspection.
- Mandatory training for all staff was not meeting the trust’s target.
- The day unit was being used as an inpatient ward but domestic cover had not been set up for weekends to provide environmental cleaning or drinks to patients.
- There was no cleaning carried out over the weekend in diagnostic imaging, and some outpatient treatment rooms and waiting areas were visibly dirty.
- Staff were finding it difficult to trace patient notes since the introduction of a new computer system, and there was not a reliable system to track the numbers of temporary notes being used since its implementation. There were also some ongoing issues with allocation of baby NHS numbers and records migrating to the new system.
- Some staff were unsure of their responsibilities in a resuscitation situation, and staff in ophthalmology did not know where to locate their nearest defibrillator.
- In some areas, a systematic check of emergency resuscitation trolleys was not documented as having being carried out on a daily basis. There were no up to date Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines available on the resuscitation trolleys. Intravenous fluids on the emergency resuscitation trolleys were not stored securely to ensure they were tamper evident.
- Community midwives could not always print out clinical notes from the electronic system to go into women’s handheld notes. They also reported poor mobile phone coverage which meant there was sometimes a delay in getting messages.
- Junior doctors in obstetrics did not attend skills drills training when they started at the trust though they did carry an emergency bleep and could be the first to arrive in the delivery.
- There were often long waiting times in the maternity triage area. Women were not seen within 15 minutes of attending the unit.
- Consultant presence, on labour suite, was below the recommendations of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) Safer Childbirth (2007) guidance.
- Not all outpatient waiting areas in the hospital had specific children’s areas. Areas that were not solely for children’s use in other parts of the hospital had waiting areas that were shared with adults.
- The trust did not assess the acuity of patients daily to ensure safe staffing levels were in place on each shift and particularly at night.
- There had been two never events reported in surgery since our last inspection. These had been investigated and actions taken to prevent these happening again. Not all staff within these specialities were aware of the never events and the learning from these.
- Kemerton and Chedworth Suite was at times being used as an inpatient ward but domestic cover had not been set up for weekends to provide cleaning and drinks to patients
- Staff understood their responsibilities to raise concerns and report incidents using the electronic reporting system. There was a culture of shared learning from incidents.
- Staff spoke confidently about the duty of candour and gave examples of where it had been applied. Relevant staff had received training.
- Most areas we visited were visibly clean and tidy. Staff were seen adhering to the trusts infection control policies including ‘bare below the elbows”.
- There was a robust security system in place within the maternity unit, including locked doors, entry systems a baby security tagging system and CCTV.
- There were systems in place for recognising and reporting safeguarding concerns. Staff were confident to raise any matters of concern and escalate them as appropriate.
- There was good access to mandatory training within the maternity service, including skills drills training day and a one-day maternity update.
- The development of a training package for midwives to enable them to administer flu vaccinations to at risk women had meant that a high number of women who would otherwise have not had the flu vaccine had received it.
- The endoscopy unit held join advisory group (JAG) accreditation and had procedures in place in line with the national safety standards for invasive procedures. Equipment was decontaminated and sterilised in line with best practice.
- Within the emergency department, there were hourly board rounds undertaken by senior clinicians in the department. This provided an overview of the department’s activity and provided an opportunity to identify and communicate safety concerns to the site and trust management teams. Patient safety checklists had been introduced, which provided a series of time-sequenced prompts. There was a well-structured medical staff handover where patients’ management plans and any safety concerns were discussed.
Where inspected, all services were rated as good with the exception of medical care which was rated as requires improvement in both hospitals.
- People’s care and treatment was mostly planned and delivered in line with current evidence-based guidance and standards.
- There was a range of recognised protocols and pathways in place and compliance with pathways and standards was frequently monitored through participation in national audits. Performance in national audits was mostly in line with other trusts nationally. There was evidence that audit was used to improve performance.
- Within the emergency department, nursing and medical staff received regular teaching and clinical supervision. Staff were encouraged and supported to develop areas of interest in order to develop professionally and progress in their careers.
- Care was delivered in a coordinated and multidisciplinary way.
- The trust had been identified as a ‘mortality outlier’ in to relation reduction of fracture of bone (Upper/Lower limb)’ procedures, which included fractured hip. However, the actions had implemented had made improvements and these were ongoing at the time of our inspection.
- Staff understood that end of life care could cover an extended period for example in the last year of life or patients and that patients benefited from early discussions and care planning.
- End of life care was delivered with the principles of the Priorities for Care of the Dying Person set out by the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying Patient’s
- Within end of life care, medicines to relieve pain and other symptoms were available at all times. Wards had adequate supplies of syringe drivers (devices for delivering medicines continuously under the skin) and the medicines to be used with them.
- Pain was not always promptly assessed and managed within the emergency department and we could not be assured that patients’ nutrition and hydration needs were consistently assessed or met.
- The trust was not meeting the standard which requires the percentage of patients re-attending (unplanned) the department within seven days to be less than 5%.
- The trust had been identified as a ‘mortality outlier’ in to relation reduction of fracture of bone (Upper/Lower limb)’ procedures, which included fractured hip. However, the actions had implemented had made improvements and these were ongoing at the time of our inspection.
- The medical service did not consistently contribute to and review the effectiveness of care and treatment through participation in national audits.
- The emergency theatre was only manned on site for 20 hours each day. The remaining four hours were covered by ‘on call’ staff, which potentially placed patients at risk.
- Theatre utilisation figures were low however; the trust was looking at ways of improving this.
- The new computer system was causing issues for staff resulting in work arounds to prevent any risks to patients.
- Staff appraisals were not meeting the trust targets in all areas.
- Documentation relating to patients’ mental capacity and consent was not always complete or immediately obvious in ‘do not attempt cardio-pulmonary resuscitation’ (DNA CPR) records.
- Explanations for the reason for the decision to withhold resuscitation attempts were not consistently clear. Records of resuscitation discussions with patients and their next of kin, or of why decisions to withhold resuscitation attempts had been made were not always documented.
- There was no organisational oversight of staff competency with regards to syringe driver training as records were not held centrally.
- There was not a seven day face to face service provided by the in-patient and community end of life care team. The trust provided a face to face service 9-5 Monday to Friday. Out-of-hours there was a telephone advice line available 24 hours, 7 days a week for health care professionals.
- The learning needs of all staff delivering end of life care were not identified.
- Whilst in some cases the possibility of dying had been recognised and communicated clearly, decisions made and actions taken in accordance with the person’s needs and wishes, not all appropriate patients experienced this.
We rated caring as good in all services where we inspected this domain, across both hospitals.
- All of the patients we spoke with during our inspection commented very positively about the care they received from staff. This was consistent with the results of patient satisfaction surveys, which were mostly positive.
- Patients were treated with compassion and kindness. We saw staff providing reassurance when patients were anxious or confused.
- Patients were treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. We observed staff greeting patients and their relatives and introducing themselves by name and role.
- Patients and their families were involved as partners in their care. They told us they were kept well informed about their care and treatment. We heard doctors and nurses explaining care and treatment in a sensitive and unhurried manner.
- Staff took the time to interact with people who received end of life care and those people close to them in a respectful and considerate manner.
- Staff and volunteers who worked with the department for spiritual support, bereavement officers and the mortuary were aware of and respectful of cultural and religious differences in end of life care.
- Emotional support for patients and relatives was available through the in-patient and community end of life care team, through clinical psychology, social worker, ward-based nurse specialists and end of life champions, the chaplaincy team and bereavement services.
- The discharge lounge was a mixed sex unit and did not have curtains to screen individual chairs and provide privacy for patients in their pyjamas or when assistance was needed with personal care needs.
- Whilst responses to the friends and family test was positive, response rates were frequently low.
- Information about patients was not always kept confidential.
- The results from a patient-led assessment of the care environment demonstrated that privacy for patients was not always provided.
We rated the responsive domain as requires improvement in all services where we inspected this domain with the exception of the end of life service which was rated as good across both hospitals.
- The emergency department was consistently failing to meet the standard which requires that 95% of patients are discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours of arrival at the emergency department.
- Patients frequently spent too long in the emergency department because they were waiting for an inpatient bed to become available. Lack of patient flow within the hospital and in the wider community created a bottleneck in the emergency department, causing crowding.
- Crowding meant patients frequently queued in the corridor, where they were afforded little comfort or privacy. When the department became congested, relatives had to stand because there was insufficient seating.
- Patients with mental health needs were not always promptly assessed or supported, particularly at night time when there was no mental health liaison service. Adolescents who had self-harmed did not receive a responsive service and were frequently inappropriately admitted while awaiting specialist assessment and support.
- There was a lack of an appropriate welcoming space for patients with mental health needs.
- The delivery of cardiology services did not meet the needs of the local population.
- There were delays to discharges, which meant patient flow through both hospitals was compromised.
- There was a waiting list for patients requiring an endoscopic procedure.
- The environment did not meet the needs of patients with dementia.
- The trust reported 32 breaches of mixed sex accommodation in the period from January 2016 to October 2016 of which 11 were in the acute medical admissions unit.
- The trust was not always compliant with the accessible information standards and information leaflets were not readily available for patients for whom English was not their first language.
- Due to pressure for beds and the demand on services, some patients had to use facilities and premises that were not always appropriate for inpatients. At times of high operational pressure patients were temporary admitted to endoscopy and medical day unit wards however, these were not identified as ‘escalation areas’ in the inpatient capacity protocol.
- Elective operations were being cancelled due to the pressure on the beds within the trust and medical patients were being cared for on surgical wards to meet the demand.
- Not all patients had their operations re-booked within the 28-day timescale.
- Six patients had been waiting over 52 weeks for treatment, which is not acceptable.
- The trust was not meeting the 62 day target for cancer patients.
- The diagnostic imaging department had a reporting backlog of 19,500 films and was not meeting its five day reporting target for accident and emergency x-rays.
- A significant typing backlog was causing delays in sending out patient letters impacting on patient safety.
- Implementation of new computer systems had impacted on waiting lists as some specialties could not see live waiting lists.
- The trust was not meeting referral to treatment target in all specialities.
- There were no designated beds for people receiving care at end of life. Side rooms were used when available but could not be guaranteed.
- The percentage of patients dying in their preferred location and the percentage of patients discharged within 24 hours were not all known for all wards or hospital sites.
- End of life complaints were not always handled promptly and in accordance with trust policy.
- The emergency and urgent care service had a number of admission avoidance initiatives in place to improve patient flow. These included the integrated discharge team who proactively identified and assessed appropriate patients who may be able to be supported in the community rather than admitted to the hospital.
- We saw evidence that complaints were used to drive improvement.
- The emergency department had recently developed a team known as the Gloucestershire elderly emergency care (GEEC), championed by an ED consultant. The aim was to raise awareness of the issues faced by frail elderly patients in the emergency department and to identify areas where the experience of this patient group could be improved.
- Multi-agency management plans had been developed for patients with mental health needs who were frequent attenders in the ED. These enabled staff to better support patients and had resulted in a reduction of both ED attendances and admissions to hospital.
- The trust’s referral to treatment time (RTT) for admitted pathways for medical services has been better than the England overall performance.
- The average length of stay was for non-elective patients was better than the England average.
- Staff in theatres and recovery had guidance in place to help reduce the anxiety of patients living with dementia when they using their services.
- Rapid access assessment clinics were provided in some specialities, and some clinics were performing airway assessments via skype.
- The hospital had introduced a new waiting list validation process to discharge patient’s ongoing follow up care to community based services such as GPs.
- A project placing therapists on wards had helped increased patient discharges, and radiographers attended ward briefings to identify inpatients waiting for scans.
- The in-patient specialist palliative care team was available to ward staff to provide advice and training regarding communication and end of life care; this included communicating with patients and carers.
- The trust was one of two sites in the country which had been developing a medical examiner role and improved death certification process project since 2008. Benefits included better support for relatives over the explanation and causes of death as well as ensuring better oversight of signing of death certificates
- The specialist palliative care team responded promptly to referrals, usually within one working day.
We rated the well led domain as requires improvement in urgent and emergency care and medical care in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and in medical care in Cheltenham General Hospital. Were inspected elsewhere, we rated the well led domain as good.
- There was a strong, cohesive and well-informed leadership team within the emergency and urgent care service who were highly visible and respected. The service had a detailed improvement plan in place with clear milestones and accountability for actions. However, safety concerns which we identified at our last inspection had not been addressed, despite the introduction of new processes. Poor patient flow remained the major barrier to progress. The emergency department was unable to influence the cultural shift which was required to address this significant barrier to improving patient flow and capacity.
- The emergency department’s management team did not feel there was a culture of collective responsibility within the trust in relation to patient flow. There was frustration expressed that the emergency department bore a disproportionate level of risk, while the responsibility for the exit block sat with others.
- Pressures faced by staff in the emergency department in relation to crowding were well understood and articulated by the management team but it did not appear that the risks relating to staff wellbeing, resilience and sustainability, had been widely shared or escalated within the organisation and they were not included on the department’s risk register.
- There was a limited approach to obtaining the views of people who used the service. Workload pressures prevented opportunities for staff reflection or meaningful staff engagement and involvement in shaping the service.
- There was no risk register specific to end of life care for the trust so there was no easy trust wide oversight of risk relating to the service. There was a program of internal and national audits; however, these were behind schedule due to recent staff shortages within the team.
- Within the medical service there was a lack of overview and governance around mortality and morbidity (M&M) meetings. Risks registered on the risk register were not always aligned with risks in the service.
- There was a lack of understanding of the risk to safe patient care, the acuity of patients have on daily basis.
- The emergency department produced high quality information which analysed demand capacity and patient flow, and was used to inform the improvement plan.
- There were robust governance arrangements in place within the emergency and urgent care service. Clinical audit was well-managed and used to drive service improvement. Risks were understood, regularly discussed and actions taken to mitigate them.
- There were cooperative and supportive relationships among staff. We observed exceptional teamwork, particularly when the emergency department was under pressure. Here, staff felt respected, valued and supported. Morale was mostly positive, although to an extent was undermined by workload pressures. Service improvement was everybody’s responsibility. Staff were encouraged and supported to undertake service improvement projects.
- The trust had a clear vision and strategy to deliver care at end of life linked to national best practice including Priorities for Care of the Dying Person set out by the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying Patient’s.
- The governance framework for end of life care ensured that responsibilities were clear and that quality, performance and risks were understood and managed.
- The leadership and culture of the specialist palliative care teams in the trust reflected the vision and values of the trust. Leadership encouraged openness and transparency and promoted good quality care. There were leads on the wards for delivery of end of life care which supported the development of high quality end of life care.
- Staff felt respected and valued. There was a strong emphasis on promoting the safety and wellbeing of staff delivering end of life care in the community.
- Services within specialist palliative and end of life care had been continuously improved and sustainability supported since the last inspection.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
- The diagnostic imaging department sent radiographers onto wards to liaise with staff to identify inpatients who were waiting for scans, in order to help speed up treatment and ultimately discharge.
- The therapies department had placed occupational therapists and physiotherapists on wards over Christmas to support and speed up patient discharges during a period of high pressure.
- The inpatient specialist palliative care team had won an annual staff award the trust - patient’s choice award 2016. This was from patients and others who recognised the NHS staff who had made a difference to their lives.
- The consultant in the specialist palliative care team was part of a multi-disciplinary team who had won the national Linda McEnhill award 2016. The award was recognition by the Palliative Care of People with Learning Disabilities professional network of excellence in end of life care for individuals with learning disabilities. Work included improving how different teams worked better together.
- The development of a training package for midwives to enable them to administer flu vaccinations to at risk women had meant that a high number of women who would otherwise have not had the flu vaccine had received it.
- Direct access to electronic information held by community services, including GPs. This meant that hospital staff could access up-to-date information about patients, for example, details of their current medicine.
- The emergency department had recently developed a team known as the Gloucestershire elderly emergency care (GEEC), championed by an ED consultant. The aim was to raise awareness of the issues faced by frail elderly patients in the emergency department and to identify areas where the experience of this patient group could be improved.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the trust must:
- Review processes to monitor the acuity of patients to ensure safe staffing levels.
- Ensure wards are compliant with legislation regarding the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSSH).
- Review processes for ensuring effective cleaning of ward areas and equipment and patient waiting areas.
- Review the governance and effectiveness of care and treatment through participation in national audits.
- Ensure patient records are kept securely at all times.
- Ensure equipment is replaced to ensure safe diagnosis and treatment.
- Ensure the medical day unit is suitable for the delivery of care and protects patients dignity and confidentiality.
- Ensure all staff are trained and understand their responsibilities in a resuscitation situation.
- Ensure resuscitation equipment is readily available and accessible to staff.
- Ensure there are systems in place to allow patients in receipt of intravenous therapy during the transfer to other hospitals to safely continue this during transfer.
- Ensure specialities have oversight of all of their waiting lists.
- Ensure that all information related to patients’ mental capacity and consent for ‘Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation’ (DNA CPR) is available in patient records.
- Ensure trust staff comply with all the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
- Ensure the emergency department is consistently staffed to planned levels to deliver safe, effective and responsive care.
- Review support staff functions to ensure the emergency department is adequately supported.
- Ensure that all staff are up-to-date with mandatory training and receive yearly appraisals in line with trust policy.
- Ensure patients arriving in the emergency department receive a prompt face-to-face assessment by a suitably qualified clinician.
- Improve record keeping so that patients’ records provide a contemporaneous account of assessment, care and treatment.
- Ensure patients in the emergency department receive prompt and regular observations and that early warning scores are calculated, recorded and acted upon.
- Ensure the mental health assessment room in the emergency department meets safety standards recommended by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- Ensure that a suitable space is identified for the assessment and observation of patients presenting at the emergency department with mental health problems.
- When using Kemerton and Chedworth Suite for inpatients, provision must be made for the cleaning of the units at weekends and to provide patients with clean water jugs and drinks.
- Ensure emergency resuscitation trolleys are checked and have guidelines attached according to best practice guidance and in line with trust policy.
- Ensure the safe management of medicines at all times, including storage, use and disposal and the checking and signed for controlled drugs.
- Ensure all drug storage refrigerator temperatures are checked and the results recorded daily. Additionally if the temperatures fall outside of the accepted range action is taken and that action recorded.
- Ensure patient group directives are up to date and consistent in their information.
- Ensure women attending the triage unit within the maternity service are seen within 15 minutes of arrival.
- Ensure machines used for near patient testing of patient’s blood sugar, are calibrated daily and this is recorded or ensure all staff are trained in how to use the new machine so the old machines can be removed.
- Ensure steps are taken to reduce the current typing backlog in some specialities
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals