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Bradstowe Lodge

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

22 Victoria Parade, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1QL (01843) 861962

Provided and run by:
Kent Old People's Housing Society Limited

Report from 21 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 2 January 2025

We found improvements had been made and the previous breach of regulation had been met. The oversight of the service had improved and there were now effective processes in place to monitor the quality of the service. Action had been taken when shortfalls had been identified and these had been rectified quickly. Staff felt supported, they received the training and supervision they needed to support people. The service had been involved with the local community and influenced how the local area supported accessibility.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

There was an open culture within the service. Staff described an ethos of supporting people to remain as independent as possible. They described to us how they supported and encouraged people to do things for themselves and be involved in all areas of their care. Staff told us they felt listened to by the management team and involved in the decisions made at the service.

There were systems in place to meet with staff and discuss any concerns they may have and give any updates on changes within the service. The purpose and goals of the service were discussed and what was expected from staff to achieve this.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff told us they felt supported by the management team. They had time for a handover between each shift and allocated staff roles each day so they knew what was expected of them. Staff appreciated how the rota was planned, this allowed them to have a break between shifts and plan their life outside of work. Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities and told us, staff worked well as a team to provide the best care they could. They told us any niggles in the team were addressed by the management team and did not get out of hand. Staff were reminded of the provider’s behaviour and team work expectations at staff meetings. A recent staff survey showed staff felt appreciated by the provider and management team, their comments included, “I feel appreciated” and “I feel grateful and privileged to be part of the Bradstowe Lodge team”.

There were systems in place to provide staff with the training they required to meet people's needs. Staff competencies were assessed to make sure staff were safe to support people. The provider had supported staff to complete further training around the electronic care planning system. Staff told us they were now confident to use it and were able to quickly obtain information they needed about people and their needs. This had improved since our last inspection.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff were confident to raise any concerns they had with the management team and were assured they would be acted on. At the last staff meeting, staff had been invited to discuss any concerns they had with the management team and were reminded how they could blow the whistle if they needed to. Staff had identified when people were at risk of harm or abuse and had worked with the police and local authority safeguarding team to keep people as safe as possible. During a recent survey staff had responded that they were confident to raise any concerns they had. One staff member had commented, “I am very supported with any concerns”.

There were systems in place for staff to speak up including staff meetings, handovers and staff surveys. Staff suggestions and opinions were considered and discussed during team meetins.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Before our assessment the provider told us they treat staff with equality and value diversity. They explained how they supported staff to follow their spiritual beliefs and planned their deployment around this. They explained how age was not a barrier for employment and staff were supported to continue to work past retirement age if they wished. The staff team included staff from different cultural backgrounds and staff told us everyone got along well. Staff told us the management team had planned the Christmas and new year rota in advance and everyone had time off over the holiday period.

There were policies and procedures in place to promote equality and diversity.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

The management team described how they checked the quality of the service and the improvements they had made since our last inspection. They explained how the increased oversight had improved people's outcomes, especially around making sure their voices are heard.

Checks and audits had improved since our last inspection. A process was in operation to review all areas of the service and the provider completed independent monthly checks in addition to these. Where shortfalls had been identified, an action plan had been put in place and actions had been completed.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People felt they were included in the local community. People had been invited to attend an afternoon tea at a local food festival. When they were unable to attend due to bad weather, a food hamper was donated which included foods to meet everyone’s dietary requirements. People had been involved in decisions about assessible signage in the community.

The registered manager described how they had worked with the local council to promote access and safety in the local area. Staff described how they worked with healthcare professionals to make sure people had access to services. Staff told us about an incident where they had worked with the local safeguarding team and police to keep a person safe.

There had been no negative feedback from professionals, information received by CQC from partners confirmed the processes and outcomes staff had described.

There were effective processes in place to make sure staff could refer people to professionals as required. People were supported to be part of the community and influence their surroundings.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff told us there was a learning culture at the service. One staff told us the management team, “Look at how things have happened and how they can be improved”.

The management team had an effective process in operation to learn from incidents. For example, when a box of medicines had gone missing and investigation was completed and the process to check medicines in was changed. They used checks and audits to learn and make improvements within the service including around people's experiences, which was an improvement since our last inspection.