Updated 9 May 2024
Date of the assessment 17 September 2024 to 4 October 2024. Maple Lodge is a care home without nursing. There were 44 people using the service at the time of our assessment. This assessment was prompted by a review of information we held about the service. We assessed a total of 105 evidence categories from the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led key questions. Following this assessment the overall rating for this service had been assessed as good. We found areas of good practice, and some areas of improvement required. The provider had systems in place to identify areas of improvement through effective analysis of accidents and incidents. This included reporting events to the local authority and CQC where appropriate. Staff felt equipped to carry out their role and felt supported by the management team and described a positive working environment. People’s care requirements were assessed, care plans were regularly updated to reflect changes to a person’s care. People and relatives confirmed they were involved in reviews of people’s care. Care plans were personalised to reflect individuals’ identities and preferences. Governance systems were in place to monitor the quality of the service. However, they had not identified some issues we highlighted during the assessment in relation to medicines. Overall, the home was clean and tidy. However, we identified areas of improvement were required, the registered manager acted immediately on this feedback. During the assessment we observed decorators on site freshening up the home. There were systems in place to ensure the environment and equipment was safe. People received medication as prescribed, and staff completed training and had their competency checked. We identified areas of improvement were required in relation to guidance about ‘as required’ medicines and the labelling of some creams and topical lotions. The registered manager acted immediately on the feedback given.