- Homecare service
Helping Hands Accrington
Report from 21 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 22 November to 27 November 2024. This was the first assessment since Helping Hands Accrington was registered on 20 July 2021. It was a comprehensive assessment covering the key questions of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. We found that the service was delivering a good standard of care. People received safe care and treatment and their needs were met according to their care plans. Staff were recruited safely and had good knowledge about the people they cared for. People's needs and risks had been assessed and were reviewed regularly, and the care delivered was safe and effective, meeting people's desired outcomes. Staff were kind and caring and respected people's privacy and dignity. People and relatives spoke highly about staff. Staff aimed to make sure that care was joined up with other health agencies and they had different ways to seek feedback from users of the service to make changes and improvements. There was a robust governance structure and managers had a good understanding of risk and performance. This meant that the service could deliver good quality care, treatment and support.
People's experience of this service
We spoke to people and their relatives about the care they received from Helping Hands Accrington. People spoke highly about the staff; 1 person said, "The staff are really wonderful, they are fabulous." Another person said, "We get to know them really well, it is like a family." A relative told us, "At first we were nervous about getting care. The manager was really good. The staff go above and beyond and they contact me about any queries." People received a good standard of care that was person centred and promoted people's choice and control.