- Homecare service
Helping Hands Accrington
Report from 21 November 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
We found a positive culture at the service and managers and staff were committed to meeting the needs of people to a high standard; care respected equality, diversity and inclusion. Managers were capable and compassionate, and staff spoke positively about the support they received. Managers had a good understanding of risk, and monitored performance. Care was delivered at a good standard, achieved individual outcomes, and met people's needs. Staff worked well with external agencies and managers were committed to continuous learning to improve the service.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff said they enjoyed their jobs and morale was good. Managers led by example and shared the vision for the service during team meetings and supervision sessions.
Processes and policies reflected transparency, equality and meeting people's human rights. The service operated 'moments of kindness' which rewarded staff when they displayed the values of the company.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Staff spoke positively about managers on the whole, and we found that managers had the right skills, knowledge and skills to effectively lead and promote development of staff.
Leaders understood the context which they delivered care, treatment and support, and led by example in terms of modelling the culture and values of the workforce.
Freedom to speak up
Staff knew how to raise concerns and where to access appropriate policies. Staff said they felt listened to if they raised issues.
There was an appropriate whistleblowing and speaking up policy.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff fed back they were not aware of any discrimination or probems regarding equality and diversity.
The service had equality and diversity policies in place. The recruitment policy also included workforce equality, diversity and inclusion.
Governance, management and sustainability
Managers conduced performance monitoring of staff and the service, and had a good understanding of risk. Managers were aware of their statutory responsibilities and liaised accordingly with relevant parties. Managers conducted audits and identified and made improvements to care provision where required.
There was a robust governance structure meaning there was strong leadership, oversight and management of the service. Risks and concerns were responded to in a timely manner. There were effective electronic monitoring systems to make sure staff call were completed on time, and for the right length of time. There were appropriate business plans and contingency planning in place.
Partnerships and communities
People did not share any feedback however we found the service worked well in partnership with others to meet people's needs consistently and effectively.
Leaders provided us with examples of working in partnership with others, such as local dioceses, the job centre and other health professionals.
Partners confirmed that the service worked well with other agencies to effectively meet the needs of people.
The service worked collaboratively within the community. For example, they attended carer's week at a local bank, and conduct work with Age Uk. Links were established and maintained with local churches to help support people with their faith.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff and leaders were committed to further learning and development to keep up to date with current and best practice, and help improve service delivery.
Management processes included updates about weekly developments, changes to policies and other relevant information. Managers cascaded important information to staff. Managers completed further learning and development and attended external conferences.