We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask;Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found -
Is the service safe?
We found that people had detailed assessments and plans regarding their care and how this would be provided. The records included risk assessments, which showed that strategies had been put in place to help staff work with, and support people safely, whilst encouraging their independence.
The people we spoke with told us that they had never had to raise a complaint or concern about the service or any of the staff. However, they were aware of who to speak to should the need ever arise.
We looked at the records maintained by the service with regard to compliments, complaints, accidents and injuries.
We found that no complaints had been raised but there were many examples of compliments and service user satisfaction comments.
The accident and incident records had been monitored and audited. Information from these records had been included in the health and safety audit for the service.
Is the service effective?
The people we spoke to during our visit to this service told us of the treatment programmes they received whilst at Jubilee House. They told us that their treatment had been designed around their needs and took into consideration their lifestyle once they returned to their own homes.
One person told us, 'The treatment I receive here is built around not only what I need here but also what I will need when I go home in order to remain independent. They (staff) adjust my treatment plans to meet my needs.'
Is the service caring?
People who used this service were placed at the centre of their care, treatment and support. We found that people were encouraged and enabled to make decisions about the care and support they received during their stay at Jubilee House.
We spoke with staff during our visit to the service and we observed them working with some of the people that used this service. We judged that staff respected and promoted people's privacy, dignity and independence.
People who used this service told us of their satisfaction regarding the care and support they received at Jubilee House. They commented:
'The care and attention I get from this place is fantastic. It should be part of the NHS so that everyone could experience such great care.'
'Staff discuss my care with me. They are very helpful and very patient.'
'The staff are very nice and very kind. They discuss my support and treatment plans with me. The treatments are built around my needs and wishes.'
Is the service responsive?
The sample of care plans we looked at showed that people who used this service had received an assessment of their care and support needs before they stayed at Jubilee House. The people we spoke to during our visit told us that they had been fully involved in the process and had been able to discuss their needs and expectations.
One person particularly referred to this aspect of the admission process and told us; 'I was asked about my care and support needs before I came to Jubilee House. There were lots of discussions about my requirements.'
Is the service well led?
We found that there had been some changes to the management of the organisation and within the service, since our last visit to Jubilee House. A new registered manager was in post at Jubilee House and she told us of some of the changes and improvements that had been made.
There was evidence to demonstrate that a robust system of quality assurance and monitoring was in place. This included service user satisfaction surveys, staff training and development.
One of the members of staff that we spoke to told us, 'We have a proactive manager. She listens and acts on what is said. People's views are listened to and taken on board.'