Prior to our inspection the Care Quality Commission (CQC) had received concerns about the care provided at Dorrington House, Dereham. In particular there were concerns about how the home managed it cleanliness and hygiene and protected its residents from infections such as diarrhoea and vomiting. In addition there were concerns raised about whether equipment in the home was fit for purpose.There was no registered manager at Dorrington House at the time of our inspection. However the provider was in the process of formalising the acting manager's position as registered manager.
The purpose of this inspection was to check that people who used the service were provided with safe and effective care that met their needs. We spoke with the manager and staff members who told us about recent improvements made in the service to meet people's needs and expectations.
We conducted this inspection to establish the following about Dorrington House, Dereham:
' Was the service safe?
' Was the service effective?
' Was the service caring?
' Was the service responsive and
' Was the service well-led?
An adult social care inspector carried out this this inspection on 21 August 2014.
As part of this inspection we spoke with four people living at the home, three family members of people living at the home, the manager, and three members of care staff. We reviewed records relating to the management of the home which included four care plans two of which were kept in the residents' rooms and the remainder in the treatment room. We also looked at staff training files.
This is a summary of our findings. If you would like to see the evidence supporting this summary please read the full report.
Was the service safe?
We found that there were not effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. An infection control audit had taken place in July 2014. This showed some areas of potential risk which needed to be addressed. However during the inspection we identified other areas of potential risk which needed to be addressed in order to meet the Department of Health's code of practice on the prevention and control of infections.
People were able to indicate to us that they felt safe living at Dorrington House. We saw that the provider had satisfactory recruitment procedures in place. This ensured that only suitable people were employed to work with vulnerable adults.
The manager was able to tell us how they protected vulnerable adults. They told us how they responded to and reported safeguarding incidents to the relevant authorities. Staff we spoke with demonstrated knowledge of safeguarding adults and how to respond to and report safeguarding issues.
There was a system of assessing risks designed to keep people living in the home, and staff, safe from harm. Risk assessments were appropriate to people's current and changing needs.
The provider had an effective system of recording person centred information. This meant that staff relayed important information to other staff relevant to the person's care. People were provided with their medication when they needed it.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to people living in care services. At the time of the inspection one person required these safeguards. Applications had been made to the appropriate authorities, although the provider had been told of a long delay in processing the submissions. Proper policies and procedures were in place so that people who could not make decisions for themselves were protected. Relevant staff had been trained to understand when DoLS should be implemented.
Staff understood their roles and responsibilities in making sure people were protected from the risk of abuse. The provider ensured that all staff were kept up to date with safeguarding training and accompanying reporting procedures.
There were emergency and contingency plans in place to secure and maintain the safety of people using the services and staff.
Was the service caring?
We observed that people received helpful, consistent and respectful support from care staff. One person told us, 'It's lovely here, much better than the last place.' Care and support plans were up to date and reflected the support needs of people living in the home. People we spoke with understood their care plans. They told us who they would speak to if they had any concerns.
Was the service responsive?
People's care and social needs were assessed and reviewed on a monthly basis or as and when needed. GPs, district nurses, and chiropodists were noted to input to people's care when requested. Where changes to people's needs occurred such changes were documented and recorded.
An activities and events programme was in place to entertain and stimulate people. This included games and tournaments, music for health and sing-alongs. No one was pressured to take part in activities if they did not want to.
A family member of one person living in the home told us, "It's okay I suppose, but I'm not sure we are getting the best possible care for them. Still it's relatively early days yet, so we'll see."
Was the service effective?
People using the service that we spoke with said, or indicated to us, that the care and support provided was satisfactory. There was a pre admission assessment of people's needs to ensure that the service could meet them and the provider took reasonable steps to ensure continuity of care throughout the person's stay.
People's care needs were monitored through a review system. This helped the home to meet people's expectations and needs.
One person living in the home told us that the food was, 'lovely, I enjoy it very much' Another said, 'There is plenty of choice.' When asked if they were given enough to eat people replied, 'Always."
Was the service well led?
The views of people using the service and, where possible, their families were sought by the service. Staff also had frequent opportunities to say what was going well, or not. Staff told us that they felt supported and had received sufficient training to carry out their role effectively. Staff training records reflected this. Staff added that if they felt they needed further or additional training or support, they were confident that this would be arranged by the provider. This told us that the provider took reasonable steps to keep the staff updated and trained to a high professional standard.
Quality monitoring systems were in place to ensure people received a good service and a programme of audits was scheduled.
People's personal care records, and other records kept in the home, were kept safe and filed appropriately and securely.
Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities. They spoke of how they worked as a team with the needs of the person central to the work they did.